【主演】 林盛斌 / 麥玲玲 / 黃光亮 / 吳浣儀 / 朱咪咪 / 邵音音 / 唐詩詠 / 莊思敏 / 河國榮 / 陳嘉桓 / 盧海鵬 / 陸駿光 / 孫慧雪 / 岑日珈 / 姜麗文 / 餘震東 / 黃宇希 / 伍倩彤 【簡介】 週創發(林盛斌 飾)和妻子屈金香(麥玲玲 飾)是從小玩到大的青梅竹馬,兩人的感情從懵懂無知的友誼邁向浪漫純潔的愛情,最終攜手步入了婚姻的殿堂。一眨眼十年過去,曾經的青澀和激情早已經被生活的堅信磨為了平淡,有的時候,週創發甚至會產生懷疑,自己十年前所做出的,是否是正確的選擇。 一直以來,週創發都在岳父屈親仁(黃光亮飾)所經營的麵館里工作,平日里少不了被後者呼來喝去,受了不少的氣,再加上一個咄咄逼人的強勢岳母李露媚(吳浣儀飾) ,週創發的日子實在是不好過。一次偶然中,週創發邂逅了夢中情人絲絲(唐詩詠 飾),不僅如此,他還中了價值兩千萬的彩票,一直都倒霉磕衝的周創發,該怎樣面對他的時來運轉呢? Chow Chong Fat and Wat Kam Heung, who knew each other since young, are coming to their 10th wedding anniversary. Fat always works as an accountant and also a handy man in the family business "Lo Wat Kei" founded by Heung's father. Fat is ordered around by Heung's family members every day. Bullied by Heung's mom, uncle and aunt, Fat leads a very miserable life. The only thing that brings Fat out of his rigid and boring life in "Lo Wat Kei" is the reunion with his dream lover Ceci. Lacking the joy of life, Fat buys a lottery ticket which wins him the first prize of 20 million HK dollars. But this is just the start of the whole exciting story. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/