【主演】 菅田將暉/梁益準/木下明里/茂呂師岡/高橋和也/今野杏南/山田裕貴/河井青葉/前原滉/原利久/小林且彌/川口覺/山中崇/緒方博博/木村 多江/中山裕介/山本浩司/鈴木卓爾 【簡介】 作品改編自寺山修司的同名原著,將時間改為了近未來的2021年,但仍聚焦於年輕人的迷惘和焦躁。 The year is 2021 and years of mismanagement have left Japan a broken society riddled with poverty and underemployment. Kenji is visibly disabled and has an inferiority complex. Shinji is released from prison and has time in his hands. They both coincidentally sign up at a club for boxing and soon become friends. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/