【主演】 朱咪咪 / 李國煌 / 廖語晴 / 賴力豪 / 梁祖儀 【簡介】 電影由幾個故事相互穿插而成,一個毒販與一年輕女子偷嚐禁果後鬧出人命;因為一個酒精、毒品、藥物作祟的夜晚,四個航空機艙人員為了一個又一個蓋不住的謊言而釀成大錯;兩個欲改過自新的騙子,卻陰差陽錯陷入了一場傻省之禍。一連串看似相連又不相干的人事物,因為身邊所有連鎖反應,扭轉了周遭一系列糾纏不清的命運交錯。每一個起因變化,都會導致不一樣的結局。 Have you wondered? Is it karma? Or just bad luck? A twisted south east Asian tale of 3 groups of individuals - a drug dealer who banged up a young girl, a pair of con men who wants to turn over a new leaf, and 4 cabin crews whose lives were turned upside down over a fateful night of drugs and booze. A series of twisted events that is both a study on cause and effect, and how our actions affect the people around us. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/