【主演】 托马斯·简/马西娅·盖伊·哈登/劳瑞·侯登/安德鲁·布劳尔/托比·琼斯/威廉姆·赛德勒/内森·甘宝 【简介】 一座风景秀美的小镇被一场突如其来的浓雾瞬间淹没。雾中传来阵阵惨叫,人们惊慌失措地四处逃散。戴维和他的儿子与众多镇上的人被困在小镇超市里,等待雾的消散。浓雾并没有如期望的散开,而走进浓雾的人一去不返。浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的面目。恐惧,惊慌,挣扎,悲伤,绝望......人们的精神濒临崩溃。如何才能活着走出迷雾?面对超市里几近癫狂的人们和超市外吞噬一切,不可知的迷雾,戴维紧紧搂着儿子,开始了艰难的求生之路...... A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives.
【主演】 鄧麗欣 / 梁雍婷 / 李任燊 / 寶佩如 【簡介】 《藍天白雲》故事講述一宗迷離殺人事件。 中學生Connie (梁雍婷 飾),Connie天生患有心漏病,朋友不多,計劃謀殺雙親卻自知體弱,因此決定將同班同學Eric (顧定軒 飾)拖下水,兩人成為共犯。 Connie於弒親後毫無悔意,案件由重案組女探員Angela(鄧麗欣 飾)接手調查。 新婚的Angela與患有⽼⼈癡呆症的⽗親(黃樹棠飾)及老公Tony(李任燊飾)一起生活,剛懷孕的Angela看似擁有幸福美滿的家庭,卻發現自己的情緒愈來愈受案件影響,慢慢地她似乎開始了解Connie為何會走上這條不歸路… Angela is a cop in charge of the murder of a married couple. Her father, who suffers dementia, has always been a pain in her neck. Sensitive from pregnancy, Angela discovers strange aspects of the murder while investigating Connie, a high school girl who turns herself in. Connie, born with a heart defect, is close with Eric, her gay classmate. Upset by her violent, perverted father and indifferent mother, Connie conspired with Eric to commit the crime. With Angela's crises-her husband, and her father with Alzheimer's-at its core, the film follows Connie's testimony on the shocking murder. The film resembles a documentary, rather than crime or detective movie, as it reenacts what has happened bluntly and faithfully. It is probably due to the director's background in documentary film. The opening sequences from the distant view of Hong Kong to a lone old man lost in the streets, and the dark and gloomy flashbacks from Connie's testimony read as the sentiment of today's Hong Kong.