【主演】 午馬 / 錢嘉樂 / 李麗珍 / 陳友 / 元華 / 王玉環 【簡介】 偏僻山間,一僧一道比鄰而居。和尚(午馬 飾)隨和開朗,更有一女徒菁菁(李麗珍 飾)玲瓏可愛;道士(陳友 飾)古板嚴厲,而徒弟嘉樂(錢嘉樂 飾)卻鬼馬頑皮。性格不同的兩個師傅口角不斷,大斗其法,兩個冤家徒弟也搞笑連連,笑料頻出。 某天,一支奇異的喪葬隊伍路過此地,某邊疆皇族中屍毒死去,幻化成殭屍,千鶴道長及王子護送棺木上京。途中遭遇暴雨,棺木被雷劈開,殭屍破棺而出,大開殺戒。烏侍郎(元華 飾)攜王子僥倖逃命,但王子已中屍毒。和尚與道士命徒兒照看王子,兩人則衝入樹林尋找千鶴道長… A Taoist Priest isn't too happy when his Buddhist Priest colleague moves in next door. They are subject to constant feuds and duels, but soon must overcome their odds towards each other when a vampire breaks loose from his coffin in a nearby procession and threatens to wreak havoc to the countryside. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 林正英 / 吳耀漢 / 呂方 / 樓南光 / 王玉環 / 何健威 / 午馬 / 洪金寶 / 元奎 【簡介】 江湖術士茅山明(吳耀漢 飾)法術不精,鬼點子倒層出不窮,經常帶著大寶(呂方 飾)、小寶二鬼騙吃騙喝。在為富豪譚百萬驅鬼之時遇到厲鬼,連夜逃走。深夜時分,茅山明闖進以寂靜之村。時村莊遭受邪祟馬賊騷擾,戒備森嚴。茅山明被保安隊長(樓南光 飾)誤作馬賊抓獲,幸虧道長九叔(林正英 飾)及時出現才逃過一劫。 正在此時,馬賊殺到,經過一場大戰,村民成功將馬賊擊退。因一場紛爭,大寶小寶被九叔收去。茅山明從此認識到人鬼殊途的道理,決定和二鬼分手,然大寶卻被擅長法術的馬賊虜去… Expelled by a band of restless ghosts in his village, Taoist Priest Mao Ming, and his two spirit companions, visit another village to seek wealth. There, Ming meets Master Gau, the "Vampire Buster," who is trying to defeat an evil Sorceress and her henchmen, whose goal is to conquer the human race. Gau also informs Ming that humans and ghosts cannot co-exist peacefully. As Ming and his ghost companions part ways, they are later attacked by the Sorceress. As a result, Ming joins forces with Gau to put a stop to the evil menace. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 林正英 / 許冠英 / 錢小豪 / 李賽鳳 / 樓南光 / 王小鳳 / 黃哈 / 元華 / 陳友 【簡介】 富貴鄉紳任發(黃蝦 飾)先父當年威逼利誘求得一塊風水寶地,經風水先生指點,其父下葬二十年後起墳遷葬,以利子孫。然九叔(林正英 飾)察看墓穴得知,當年風水先生與任家私怨在身,在墓穴中做下手腳,二十年後任老太爺屍體已生惡變。九叔提議就地火化,在任老爺請求下才將屍骨移往義莊。雖經小心看護,但任老太爺仍化作殭屍,將其子任發殺害。 九叔斷定任老太爺和任發的殭屍將再次出現,於是命令徒弟秋生(錢小豪 飾)和文才(許冠英 飾)小心應付… The planned reburial of a village elder goes awry as the corpse resurrects into a hopping, bloodthirsty vampire, threatening mankind. Therefore, a Taoist Priest and his two disciples attempt to stop the terror. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 錢小豪 / 林正英 / 許冠英 / 關秀媚 / 譚凱欣 / 徐曼華 / 吳君如 / 樓南光 / 陳惠敏 / 林保怡 / 邵音音 【簡介】 善良的道長林正英(林正英 飾)開設祭壇,供奉那些被母親墮胎以致肉體毀滅無法投胎的靈嬰。祭壇中的靈嬰大多天真可愛,但有三個因三番五次被墮胎,戾氣十足,邪惡無比。道長命徒兒秋生(錢小豪飾)和文才(許冠英飾)將嬰靈的偶人送至師妹蔗姑(吳君如飾)處供養,卻不慎將尚未修煉完畢的邪惡靈嬰放走,附在正英舊情人蓮妹(關秀媚飾)的身上。 蓮妹嫁給某軍閥,軍閥為怪病困擾,請來正英師徒。正英檢查軍閥家墓穴得知,軍閥父親已幻化成殭屍,屍毒為害子嗣。另一方面,正英偶然發現邪嬰出現於帥府,知其中有變,遂急忙找來… Master Lam and his two disciples must battle a horde of Chinese vampires in order to get the teeth dust needed to cure an ailing general. Meanwhile, the general's wife is pregnant, and the evil spirit of an aborted baby wants to possess the unborn child's body for its resurrection. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/