【主演】 Kunatip Pinpradub / Kittipat Samarntragulchai / Worachai Sirikongsuwan / Wiradit Srimalai / Rittichai Tasarika / Puvadol Vechwongsa 【簡介】 不怕死高中生們,在歷劫校園鬼話、誤闖暹邏時代後,總算娜娜保佑下洗心革面順利考完大學測驗。在大學放榜前,一群人計劃來趟畢業旅行紓解苦讀的壓力,卻沒想到才剛踏上普吉島海灘,就遇上空前大海嘯,所幸在建築物保護下躲過死劫,但放眼小島上四處是死屍冤魂,NICK要如何帶著大家脫離險境… A group of friends go on a vacation in Phuket after their high school graduation. They build their tents next to the beach but unfortunately for them, a huge storm forces them to move indoors into a nearby hotel. They decide to sleep at the hotel for the night. However, they are all woken up by the same horrible dream of a Tsunami disaster. A gruesome sight greets them as they open their eyes; the hotel is filled with wrapped dead bodies. They crawl through the dead bodies hoping to escape from the hotel.