【主演】 宋承憲 / 鄭多彬 / 李己雨 / 李民友 【簡介】 智銀聖(宋承憲飾)是尚高的高中生,相貌英俊,性格暴躁,是尚高著名的四大天王之一,在周圍高中,尤其是女子高中,聲名顯赫;韓千穗(鄭多彬飾)是普通的女高學生,長相平凡,但是性格善良可愛,充滿活力。 快開學了,千穗在網上游盪,偶然在學校留言板上看到了署名“智銀聖”的人對全校同學的挑釁,千穗毫不留情地進行了反擊,隨後她接到了智銀聖的恐嚇電話,並莫名其妙地成了他的女朋友。 在和智銀聖的交往中,千穗慢慢了解到他桀驁不馴的外表下脆弱的內心世界,對情親的渴望和對朋友的忠誠,二人之間有了真正的感情。 Having replied to a wicked post on her school website, Ye-won keeps getting threatening calls from a boy named Ji Eun-sung. Having heard about him from her best friend, she keeps running away from him. But they kissed accidentally when Ye- won was trying to escape from him. Having had his lips kissed by Ye-won, Eun-sung threatening her to marry him, adding that no other girl has ever kissed him before. The only thing Ye-won can do is to obey for whatever Eun-sung said for now!. At first, Ye-won just hate everything about Eun-sung he his this self-righteousness and Unreasonableness way about him. But Ye-won soon finds herself starting to fall for Eun-sung.