【主演】 葛優 / 謝霆鋒 / 唐嫣 / 鄭容和 / 白冰 / 杜海濤 / 王太利 / 黃秋生 / 詹瑞文 / 海鳴威 / 羅蘭 【簡介】 影片主要讲述了高天赐是广州一个小厨师,和来自法国拥有米芝莲三颗星荣誉的名厨安保罗,厨艺各有千秋,从一开始的争锋相对,到成为惺惺相惜的好友,并联手参加‘全球美食之王’大赛夺得冠军的故事。 A Cantonese street cook and his chief rival, a French-trained Michelin-starred chef, discover they have a lot in common as they prepare for a world-famous culinary competition. An international culinary competition becomes a battleground between rival cooks, one famous for his Cantonese street food and the other a Michelin-starred chef trained in France. But their rivalry takes an unexpected turn when they discover a common foe and combine their skills in a fusion of East and West. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/