【主演】 Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul / Wanida Termthanaporn 【簡介】 在經歷了校園鬼話後,騷年們回來決定好好讀書,不久後大學聯考將至,騷年們聽說有個學長在廟裡祈福成功上了大學,為求考試順利一群人在學長的帶領下來到娜娜廟祈福,NICK在祈福時大放厥詞。 在娜娜的指引下騷年們上了小船,果斷的踏上了作死之路。等待他們的將是。 Nick, Bew, James and his friends are preparing for their university admission. As they played too much and failed miserably for their examinations, James brings his friends to receive blessings from Mae Nak Shrine, hoping to enter a university.
【主演】 Kunatip Pinpradub / Kittipat Samarntragulchai / Worachai Sirikongsuwan / Wiradit Srimalai / Rittichai Tasarika / Puvadol Vechwongsa 【簡介】 不怕死高中生們,在歷劫校園鬼話、誤闖暹邏時代後,總算娜娜保佑下洗心革面順利考完大學測驗。在大學放榜前,一群人計劃來趟畢業旅行紓解苦讀的壓力,卻沒想到才剛踏上普吉島海灘,就遇上空前大海嘯,所幸在建築物保護下躲過死劫,但放眼小島上四處是死屍冤魂,NICK要如何帶著大家脫離險境… A group of friends go on a vacation in Phuket after their high school graduation. They build their tents next to the beach but unfortunately for them, a huge storm forces them to move indoors into a nearby hotel. They decide to sleep at the hotel for the night. However, they are all woken up by the same horrible dream of a Tsunami disaster. A gruesome sight greets them as they open their eyes; the hotel is filled with wrapped dead bodies. They crawl through the dead bodies hoping to escape from the hotel.
【主演】 Kunatip Pinpradab / 伍瓦倫班羅薩 / 吉迪巴薩曼德坤財 【簡介】 泰國的都蘭男子高中,就如同許多學校一樣,有著自己言之鑿鑿卻查無實據的怪談傳說。這些傳說越傳越烈,讓人莫辯真偽。其中一個就是曾有一名學生因考試不及格跳樓自殺,繼而成為逡巡校園的冤魂。膽大妄為且不敬鬼神尼克完全不相信這些流言,在某個夜晚,他約上尼克、詹姆士、阿標、戴克斯等七名同學夜探校園。從探險的最開始,各種陰森恐怖的事情相繼發生。尼克和詹姆士、阿標還以為是彼此事先設計好的圈套,最終卻發現跳樓的怨靈真的存在,並且這還只是當晚噩夢的開始。 少年無所畏懼的探險陷入混亂,校園變成了陰魂不散的恐怖鬼屋… A group of student want to challenge themselves by entering the most haunted building of their school, which is forbidden. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/