【主演】 周杰倫 / 謝霆鋒 / 林鵬 / 白冰 / 安志傑 / 廖啟智 / 吳嘉龍 / 洪天照 / 姜皓文 / 李馨巧 / 金燕玲 / 吳浩康 【簡介】 國際安全局的王尚恩(安志傑飾)率萬飛(周杰倫飾)等部下遠赴約旦,押送製造天花病毒變體的科學家肯納,豈料王尚恩叛變將肯納劫走,萬飛頭部受重傷,他同隊中的心上人也在這次任務中身亡。三個月後,王尚恩等人研製的病毒造成一艘貨船上的人們盡數死亡,而他此時準備販賣疫苗謀取暴利;萬飛在醫院中被告知頭部的子彈無法取出,神經受損導致他兩週後會有生命危險,萬母向其透露他有一個失散多年的哥哥。為了完成母親心願,萬飛前往吉隆坡尋找哥哥萬陽(謝霆鋒 飾)。飛機上與萬飛同行的簡博士恰巧是王尚恩一夥準備用來替換肯納的病毒專家,簡博士被王尚恩派出的萬陽劫持,萬飛出手相救。因為分屬不同陣營,兄弟只得拳腳相見… International Security Affairs agent Jon is on a dangerous mission to escort a criminal scientist to another country. En route, a member of his team, Sean, turns out to be a traitor and shoots Jon in the head while kidnapping the scientist. When Jon wakes up in the hospital, a doctor tells him that within weeks, the bullet in his brain will cause complete paralysis. Jon returns to Beijing to see his mother, who confesses that Jon has a brother in Malaysia who was raised by his father, a gambler. Jon takes a flight to Malaysia to find his brother, Yeung. On the plane he forms a bond with Dr. Kan, who promises to look into possible treatments for his condition. However, when they arrive, Yeung tries to kidnap the doctor and when Jon intervenes, he's also taken hostage. The two soon realize they're brothers, and decide to work together in order to keep the criminals behind the kidnappings from reinfecting the world of a disease long thought cured. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 葛優 / 謝霆鋒 / 唐嫣 / 鄭容和 / 白冰 / 杜海濤 / 王太利 / 黃秋生 / 詹瑞文 / 海鳴威 / 羅蘭 【簡介】 影片主要讲述了高天赐是广州一个小厨师,和来自法国拥有米芝莲三颗星荣誉的名厨安保罗,厨艺各有千秋,从一开始的争锋相对,到成为惺惺相惜的好友,并联手参加‘全球美食之王’大赛夺得冠军的故事。 A Cantonese street cook and his chief rival, a French-trained Michelin-starred chef, discover they have a lot in common as they prepare for a world-famous culinary competition. An international culinary competition becomes a battleground between rival cooks, one famous for his Cantonese street food and the other a Michelin-starred chef trained in France. But their rivalry takes an unexpected turn when they discover a common foe and combine their skills in a fusion of East and West. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 周潤發 / 謝霆鋒 / 杜汶澤 / 景甜 / 高虎 / 吳辰君 / 許紹雄 / 張晉 / 王敏德 / 沈震軒 / 童菲 / 伍允龍 【簡介】 聞名中外,曾擔任美國賭場保安總顧問的魔術手石一堅(周潤發 飾),終回流澳門退休,更宴請各方朋友到來慶祝生日宴。其中好友Benz哥(許紹雄 飾)與他的兒子曬冷(謝霆鋒 飾)以及外甥牛必勝(杜汶澤 飾),更特別由香港來到澳門到賀。 翌日,大陸、香港以及澳門三地警方,竟不相約而同找上石一堅,希望他能夠重出江湖幫忙對付DOA組織集團的高先生(高虎飾),但堅卻以退休為由婉拒了事。 另一邊廂,冷竟與牛必勝一起找上門,希望堅收他倆為徙弟,堅哥雖欣賞小冷,但奈何經已退休,只好拒絕,但看在Benz哥份上,就招待他一夜。誰不知,當晚竟遇上了殺手(張晉 飾),殺手們不問原因直接追擊小冷以及堅哥愛女阿彩(童菲 飾)。期間雖有中國公安洛欣(景甜 飾)相救,但阿彩終難逃一劫,被害至失憶。 明查暗訪下才知道,幕後的黑手竟是高先生。事情又豈會是無緣無故發生,堅與小冷二人連手,加上女公安洛欣三人,布下奇謀妙計對付高先生,鬥智鬥力,誓要查個水落石出,將他繩之於法… The story starts with small-time conman Cool (Nicholas Tse), whose undercover policeman half-brother (Phillip Ng) is murdered by Ko (Gao Hu), the head of an illegal gambling syndicate. Cool seeks the help of "Magic Hands" Ken (Chow Yun Fat), a legendary gambler turned casino security consultant, to battle Ko. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/