【主演】 矢島晶子 / 興梠里美 / 藤原啟治 / 楢橋美紀 【簡介】 美好的周末假期,野原新之助(矢島晶子配音)和爸爸廣志(藤原啟治配音)一起去看機器人的科幻電影,走出電影后的父子倆興奮地大玩合體遊戲,誰知廣志卻不慎扭傷了腰。忍受不了老婆的碎碎念,廣志去醫院看病,可是周末醫院休診,父子倆只得來到公園休息,結果還被媽媽團趕了出去。當父子倆走在回家路上的時候,色色的廣志被一家按摩店的美女招待員所吸引,於是把小新打發回家,自己則跟著對方進入店裡。從昏迷中醒來的廣志以飛快的速度回家,結果嚇到了全家人,原來他被美容院改裝成機器人。最初的震驚恐懼之後,野原家漸漸習慣了這個家務全能的新爸爸。 然而隨著城市中機器爸爸越來越多,潛在的危機則悄然浮出水面… 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 藤原啟治 / 興梠里美 / 浪川大輔 / 楢橋美紀 / 坂本真綾 / 指原莉乃 / 矢島晶子 【簡介】 新的一年,小新一家決定離開生活了多年的地方,舉家前往墨西哥。在新的國度,小新一家遇到了很多新奇的人和事,同時也遭遇到了仙人掌怪物的襲擊,小新不得不肩負起了保衛家人的重擔。 Hiroshi was ordered to collect the fruit of cactus and was transferred to Mexico. So, Nohara family had to move to Mexico and live there. They had to bid farewell to their acquaintances and the citizens of Kasukabe with tears. Shinnosuke heard that Mexican young girls are stylish and beautiful and became eager for this journey. On arriving at Madakueruyobaka city in Mexico, a new life full of anxiety, surrounded by unique neighbors awaits them. But Shinnosuke and Nohara family had no idea that flesh-eating killer cacti are going to attack. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 矢島晶子 / 楢橋美紀 / 藤原啟治 / 興梠里美 【簡介】 每天入夜,當春日部的居民們酣然入睡之後,他們都會來到一個神奇而又美麗的夢中世界中。在那裡,他們可以實現一切想要實現的願望,滿足一切渴望滿足的要求,這個夢中的世界充滿了快樂和幸福。 某日,一個名為貫庭玉崎的女孩跟父母一起搬來了春日部市,成為了這個城市中的新的一份子。然而,從那一天開始,大家就再也沒有做過美夢了。那個曾經溫暖的夢中世界,如今充滿了痛苦、悲哀和恐懼,而夢境中的災難亦漸漸延續到了現實之中。這一切的發生,顯然和玉崎有著脫不清的干系。為了弄清事件的真相,小新(矢島晶子 配音)聯手風間(真柴摩利 配音)和妮妮(林玉緒 配音)等小伙伴們展開了調查。 During his sleep, Shinnosuke enters a fantasy world where he could find all his favorite things, starting from chocolates, cakes and candies to young and beautiful girls in voluptuous and salacious clothes. But it soon turns out to be a nightmare world where Shinnosuke, his friends and family get trapped and are unable to escape. They also meet a mysterious girl named Saki who is somehow connected to these dreams. Now it is up to Shinnosuke and the Kasukabe Defense Group to save their dreams and escape from the nightmare world. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 矢島晶子 / 楢橋美紀 / 森川智之 / 興梠里美 / 澤城美雪 / 宮迫博之 / 螢原徹 / 志田未來 【簡介】 某一天,宇宙人西里裡來到小新家中,並使用特使光線把變爸爸野原廣志和媽媽野原美伢回了小孩子模樣,如果想恢復現狀,必須幫助西里裡找回自己的父親,就這樣大家踏上了尋找之旅…… One day, the Nohara family met a mysterious alien from outer space named Shiriri. On being basked by a ray emitted by Shiriri, Hiroshi and Misae became 25 years younger and appeared as kids. To be able to return back into adult form, they must find Shiriri's father, who is somewhere in Japan. This situation, which initially started with Shinnosuke's family and later his friends, gradually involves the entire of Japan. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/