【主演】 阿牛 / 江若琳 / 惠英紅 / 朱厚任 / 陳建彬 / 陳泓宇 / 童冰玉 / 鄧妙華 / 莊雪梅 【簡介】 福建裔的蔡偉傑(阿牛飾)是從馬來西亞到新加坡打拼的工程師,未婚妻芷欣(江若琳飾)則是廣東裔的新加坡富商之家出身,文化背景與家庭貧富的差距令兩個有情人飽受煎熬。準岳父對準女婿開出了苛刻的婚禮要求,偉傑不敢違令,答應在新加坡舉辦一場豪華婚禮。婚禮當天,偉傑備好的所有紅包不翼而飛,他竟想到了去賭場踫運氣,誰知血本無歸。為了掩飾過失,他用謊言掩蓋謊言,謊話連篇一發不可收拾。芷欣發現了老公的異常,她非常生氣。偉傑的父親阿獅(陳建彬 飾)因婚禮籌劃與兒子爭吵的不可開交,老頭一氣之下甩手返回賓館,忌料途中遭遇意外,偉傑的情緒從如日中天一下跌入萬丈深淵... The Wedding Diary 2 picks up two years after the marriage of Wei Jie (Aniu) and Zhixin (Elanne), when they welcome a new and unexpected addition to their family. However, all is not well for Wei Jie's in-laws when Zhixin's father, Colin (Jack Choo) suffers a stroke, which puts a strain on the couple's relationship as Zhixin has to step up to handle her father's business and at the same time, ensure that her mother (Kara Hui) does not fall into depression and anxiety due to her husband's condition. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 阿牛 / 江若琳 / 王樂妍 / 惠英紅 / 陳建彬 / 朱厚任 【簡介】 結婚之後,偉傑(阿牛飾)和芷欣(江若琳飾)除了面對生兒育女的壓力外,父親Colin(朱厚任飾)因生意失敗導致中風,照顧家庭和繼承父業的重任,因此落在芷欣身上。 偉傑為了幫輕老婆,決定當全職奶爸。未料,突然冒出一名聲稱是Colin的私生女Reese(王心如飾),其出現讓偉杰和芷欣的婚姻備受考驗。糟糕的是,有天偉杰和芷欣的寶寶突然在家中不見了… The Wedding Diary 2 picks up two years after the marriage of Wei Jie (Aniu) and Zhixin (Elanne), when they welcome a new and unexpected addition to their family. However, all is not well for Wei Jie's in-laws when Zhixin's father, Colin (Jack Choo) suffers a stroke, which puts a strain on the couple's relationship as Zhixin has to step up to handle her father's business and at the same time, ensure that her mother (Kara Hui) does not fall into depression and anxiety due to her husband's condition. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/