【主演】 福士苍汰 / 小松菜奈 / 东出昌大 / 山田裕贵 / 清原果耶 / 大鹰明良 / 宫崎美子 【簡介】 美術大學學生南山高壽與福壽愛美電車相遇,他鼓起勇氣向女孩表白。在一起後,高壽慢慢發現兩人原是舊識,而女孩身上,也隱藏著諸多秘密。 Takatoshi Minamiyama majors in art at an university in Kyoto. On the train to the school, he sees Emi Fukuju and falls in love with her at first sight. Gathering up all his courage, he speaks to her. They begin to date and enjoy happy days together, but Emi reveals her secret to him. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/