【主演】 莊凱勳 / 許瑋甯 / 柯佳嬿 / 李銘順 / 李淳 / 陳彥允 / 鄭志偉 / 湯志偉 / 卜國耕 【簡介】 衝勁十足、富有野心的社會線記者小齊,在報導一則事故車還魂新聞時,意外發現9年前一宗肇事逃逸命案並不單純,雖然提案不被長官邱哥重視,但相信直覺的小齊找上菜鳥警員阿緯幫忙,並說服女主管Maggie連手調查當年的真相。當小齊、Maggie 好不容易找到命案中唯一生還的受害者徐愛婷,並取得採訪同意後 ,徐愛婷卻無故失踪了…到底九年前被隱瞞的真相是什麼? The story about an ambitious journalist who eagerly pursues a long-forgotten accident. When the sole survivor of the accident suddenly disappears, he realizes that nothing is what it seems, and the unimaginable dark truth will haunt him for the rest of his life. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/