【主演】 豬哥亮/ 林美秀/ 安心亞/ 李李仁/ 顏正國/ 蔡昌憲/ 黃鴻昇/ 莫允雯/ 林暐恆/ 莫莉/ 王宣/ 曾莞婷/ 黃明志/ 吳仲強/ 謝佐妮/ 謝佑妮/ 梁修身/ 梁正群/ 周丹薇/ 林利霏/ 素珠/ 詹子晴/ 李國弘/ 王燦 【簡介】 台灣喜劇泰斗國寶“豬哥亮” 第一部暑假強檔奇幻喜劇! 顛覆以往台灣喜劇片的故事走向 豬式風格混搭全新陣容 2016年暑假新滋味“大顯神威” Ko-Liang Chu stars as Wang Fu Gui, the 18th generation master of Baoping Temple. Despite his auspicious name, Wang is in reality a hopeless gambler who never wins. After going broke, he moves south in hopes of mooching off his wealthy brother-in-law (Namewee), but as life would have it, his brother-in-law suffers a stroke. Wang's luck takes another turn, however, when he meets female ghost Lin Qing Xia (Amber An), a famous singer who died 30 years ago. Wang utilizes Qing Xia's powers to help others, earning him the reputation of being a living deity. Meanwhile, Qing Xia wants Wang to help resolve her grudge. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 豬哥亮 / 藍正龍 / 謝沛恩 / 楊貴媚 / 吳朋奉 / 吳克群 / 黃仲昆 / 林玟誼 / 林可彤 / 楊烈 / 廖錦德 / 曾治豪 / 馬國畢 / 李佳豫 / 邱逸峰 / 謝其文 / 卞慶華 / 高雋雅 【簡介】 拳頭師傅藍大釣(豬哥亮飾)開了一間國術館,所有疑難雜症全靠這一味祖傳秘方「吊膏」走天下,一膏在手保證藥到病除,人稱大釣哥。兒子藍小龍(藍正龍飾)身手矯捷善於飛簷走壁,從小跟著爸爸學功夫,學得不是詠春,而是攔截手,專偷扒手偷來的竊物救助貧戶,目的希望引出世仇黑熊(吳朋奉飾)。 但英雄難過美人關,為了幫助法律系女友心怡(謝沛恩飾)出國深造,小龍竟向殺母仇人的黑道老大黑熊(吳朋奉飾)借了三百萬,更在某次火拼中,被迫為黑熊殺人頂罪,遭以現行犯收押。大釣哥為了幫兒子洗清罪嫌,請求舊識同時是檢察官張士邦(吳克群飾)的母親白秀娟(楊貴媚飾)聯手追查真相,不料卻意外扯出即將逆轉全局笑中帶淚的案外案。 Mr. Lan Da-dial runs a traditional Martial Arts Gym, without any professional medical methods, he uses the home-made herbal plaster as the only treatment. His son is a righteous thief that only steals from other pickpockets to help the poor people. And his acts have a hidden plan to draw out the enemy of his father, Bear. However, their plans got twisted not as what they expected, so it begins the funniest and the most exciting journey. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/