【主演】 馬東錫/ 尹繼尚/ 趙在允/ 崔奎華/ 林炯俊/ 陳善圭/ 洪基俊/ 許棟元/ 河俊/ 金成圭/ 朴智煥/ 許成泰/ 閔慶珍/ 尹炳熙/ 李相元/ 鄭仁基/ 嚴智星/ 白仁權/ 裴振雄/ 韓成天/ 金久澤/ 金旲興/ 崔成宰/ 趙震雄/ 允珠 【簡介】 影片講述了韓國刑警們展開“掃蕩暴力作戰”行動,將新興犯罪組織一網打盡的的故事。 Based on real events that occurred in 2007 dubbed the "Heuksapa Incident". The story follows a turf war that grows between a local gang that runs Garibong-dong in Guro District, Seoul and the Heuksapa gang from Yanbian, China; the police are called in to attempt to bring peace to the neighborhood. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/