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11·12·13 至死不渝 - Ghost Is All Around
01h 34m
11·12·13 至死不渝 - Ghost Is All Around



【主演】 蘇格拉瓦·卡那諾 / Nutthasit Kotimanuswanich / 阿芮根妲·馬哈樂沙空 / Mek Mekwattana 【簡介】 泰國經典三段式恐怖片,故事根據宋干節前後三天11 12 13分別出演了三個不同的故事。 11. 他是個Playboy,還是個癮君子,因女主角不想和男主角分手,男主角嗑藥然後無法控制情緒然後殺死了女主角後,在搬運屍體的過程中出了車禍··· 12. 講述了四個死黨,Mot坐公交準備去向他愛慕的女孩表白,不料遇到了車禍,不久後室友們卻看到他回來了,大家頓時嚇得六神無主,又不忍心告訴親愛的朋友這殘忍的事實,室友一直想讓他知道自己死了,結果是Mot喜歡的那個女主角死了··· 13. 一對好Gay蜜結伴去清邁玩,不料路途中遇到了車禍中,而女孩卻沒有意識到彼此已陰陽兩隔··· 今天,載著分手的女友在回家的路上;今天,親愛的朋友正努力頑強地生存;今天,其實寧願一直被蒙在鼓裡。宋干節到底會發生什麼,那天是故事的開始,是愛,至死不渝。 3 Scary stories Occurred during Songkran.


這個高中沒有鬼2 - Make Me Shudder 2: Shudder Me Mae Nak
01h 53m
這個高中沒有鬼2 - Make Me Shudder 2: Shudder Me Mae Nak



【主演】 Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul / Wanida Termthanaporn 【簡介】 在經歷了校園鬼話後,騷年們回來決定好好讀書,不久後大學聯考將至,騷年們聽說有個學長在廟裡祈福成功上了大學,為求考試順利一群人在學長的帶領下來到娜娜廟祈福,NICK在祈福時大放厥詞。 在娜娜的指引下騷年們上了小船,果斷的踏上了作死之路。等待他們的將是。 Nick, Bew, James and his friends are preparing for their university admission. As they played too much and failed miserably for their examinations, James brings his friends to receive blessings from Mae Nak Shrine, hoping to enter a university.


三天兩夜 - Sat2Mon
02h 00m
三天兩夜 - Sat2Mon



【主演】 Pattie Ungsumalin / Dan Worrawech / Beem Gawee 【簡介】 該片講述了一段複雜曲折的四角戀愛,四人之間的情情愛愛糾葛在一起。他們能否在錯誤的日子遇上對的人呢? Thai Romantic comedy about a love that never should happened.


這個高中沒有鬼3 - Make Me Shudder 3
01h 34m
這個高中沒有鬼3 - Make Me Shudder 3



【主演】 Kunatip Pinpradub / Kittipat Samarntragulchai / Worachai Sirikongsuwan / Wiradit Srimalai / Rittichai Tasarika / Puvadol Vechwongsa 【簡介】 不怕死高中生們,在歷劫校園鬼話、誤闖暹邏時代後,總算娜娜保佑下洗心革面順利考完大學測驗。在大學放榜前,一群人計劃來趟畢業旅行紓解苦讀的壓力,卻沒想到才剛踏上普吉島海灘,就遇上空前大海嘯,所幸在建築物保護下躲過死劫,但放眼小島上四處是死屍冤魂,NICK要如何帶著大家脫離險境… A group of friends go on a vacation in Phuket after their high school graduation. They build their tents next to the beach but unfortunately for them, a huge storm forces them to move indoors into a nearby hotel. They decide to sleep at the hotel for the night. However, they are all woken up by the same horrible dream of a Tsunami disaster. A gruesome sight greets them as they open their eyes; the hotel is filled with wrapped dead bodies. They crawl through the dead bodies hoping to escape from the hotel.


初吻 - First Kiss
01h 45m
初吻 - First Kiss



【主演】 Kaneungnich Jaksamithanon / Pichasini Tanwiboon / Songsitt Rungnoppakhunsri / Takrit Hemannopjit / Tin Chokamolkit 【簡介】 25歲的莎莎(Pichasini Tanwiboon飾)仍沉浸在多年前的單戀裡不能自拔,感情生活一片空白。她還在痴痴地等待著男孩的回心轉意。終於,上天給了她一件出乎意料的禮物。男孩回國後居然對莎莎展開熱烈的追求,心花怒放的莎莎以為終於守得云開見月明。然而當她正幻想著與男孩的美好生活時,高中生潘貝斯(Khanungnit Jaksamitthanont飾)意外地闖入了的她的生活。在公交車上,莎莎跟潘貝斯意外的發生了親吻,莎莎的初吻就這樣莫名其妙的被潘貝斯奪走了。嘴角總是帶著壞坏笑容的潘貝斯,一下子就愛上了莎莎,對她展開了熱烈的追求。然而面對年齡、經歷等方面的巨大差別,這對看上去完全不可能在一起的戀人,最終能否走在一起呢? Wonderful screwball romantic comedy about a 25 year old women who accidentally kisses a high school boy on a city bus.


你好,陌生人 - Hello Stranger
02h 02m
你好,陌生人 - Hello Stranger



【主演】 辰塔維·塔納西維 / 能提妲·索彭 / 瓦拉緹雅·妮枯哈 【簡介】 泰國男生Dak(辰塔維·塔納西維 Chantawit Thanasewee 飾)因拒絕與女友結婚而被拋棄。喝得爛醉後隔天獨自踏上原先和女友預訂的韓國旅程。宿醉語言又不通的Dak只能向,只能向一名泰國女生May求助(努娜能提妲莎彭 Noona Nuength ida Sophon 飾)。 May有一位大男子主義,對她管得徹頭徹尾的男友金哥,這一次是背著男友偷跑來韓國參加好友的婚禮。因為漏接金哥的電話導致兩人大吵一頓最後分手。 Dak一直留在她身邊安慰,兩人一起去酒吧,一起去參觀韓劇的拍攝地點。雖然彼此都不知道對方的名字,但兩人慢慢從冤家慢慢聊成知己,就在情愫漸生之時,Dak的女友突然出現。 Dak是會選擇重新回到女朋友的身邊,還是這一對熟悉的陌生人最終會終成眷屬。 A couple who met in South Korea. They had fun together but when they both fell in love, everything changed.


魍美 - Net I Die
01h 25m
魍美 - Net I Die



【主演】 Klai-Udom Sarantorn / Kachai Pich / Fahkuelon Ratsameekhae 【簡介】 人氣網紅莫妮卡(琪洽安瑪達雅婫 飾)在當紅時,突然自殺死亡。 1年後,莫妮卡的自殺影片在網路瘋傳,這段影片的標籤竟列出其他許多網紅的名字。其中一個名字是成功經營自創化妝品牌的瑪莉莎(莎蘭通.凱烏東 飾),她開始遭遇到許多怪異事件,而其他被標記的人則接連死亡。瑪莉莎成日被各種幻覺嚇得精神不濟,甚至摔傷住院,男友阿傑不忍看著她日漸憔悴,決定要找出這離奇事件背後的真相,他暗自著手調查,漸漸發現事件後的真相,瑪莉莎能夠躲過死神召喚活下來嗎?最超越你瘋狂想像的駭人故事即將上演! Net idols that have been celebrated in the past. Have launched their own brand cosmetics. And have gathered the most popular net idol today to be the adverts. To display a dazzling review of their cosmetics. But then the horror story. When the presenter, but everyone and everyone related to cosmetics. Can not find the cause And everyone is killed through the horrific Live video channel, so she has to go out and find the answer. Along with the terrible face This horror movie. It will be told through social media we touch and use every day. It is an important factor in the life that is indispensable. But it is going to die. And the breath of the people who use it. To share the death of the dead The body of a beautiful person .. not as beautiful as you think !.


泰驚魂之無骨按摩師 - The Haunted City
01h 02m
泰驚魂之無骨按摩師 - The Haunted City



【主演】 趙夢迪 / 張暖雅 【簡介】 中國遊客李小維(趙夢迪飾)瘋狂地熱愛著按摩,不停尋找著最好的按摩店,後來她遇到了非常喜歡的“你好”按摩店,常常接受泰國按摩師宋的服務,回國之前李小維最後一次去按摩,但聽說宋出車禍死了,並且全身骨頭都斷了,但是正在為她按摩的人確實是宋!


承諾 - The Promise
01h 53m
承諾 - The Promise



【主演】 楠迪·宗拉維蒙 / 安比查雅·松可寒 / Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen / Panisara Rikulsurakan / Duentem Salitul / Benjamin Joseph Varney / Suchada Poonpattanasuk / Surachai Ningsanond / Teerapop Songwaja / Duangjai Hiransri 【簡介】 1997年亞洲金融風暴席捲全世界,無數百萬富翁一夜瞬間破產,原本前途一片光明的千金閨蜜芭恩、伊碧,她們的家人也受金融風暴波及而破產,芭恩和伊碧的父母親砸下重金投資的「沙吞摩天大樓」建案因此停工,芭恩和伊碧無法接受這般慘況,崩潰的兩人決定相約在這棟未完工的大樓一起自殺,死前承諾要永遠陪在彼此身邊,伊碧對自己開槍斃命後,芭恩卻反悔了…。 20年後,芭恩(楠迪宗拉維蒙飾)成了一位事業有成的房地產企業家,工作的因緣際會下,她帶著女兒貝兒(安比查雅松可寒飾)來到了荒廢已久的沙吞大樓,從那天起,貝兒每晚精神異常地夢遊、行為非常詭異,令人毛骨悚然的是,貝兒這些詭異的言行舉止都讓芭恩想起了伊碧,以及她們之間「死都不能忘記」的約定…… Ib and Boum decide to commit suicide together in Bangkok in 1997. After reneging on the promise, the vengeful ghost of Ib returns 20 years later to haunt Boum and her 15 year old daughter, Bell.


億萬少年的頂級機密 - The Billionaire
02h 05m
億萬少年的頂級機密 - The Billionaire



【主演】 帕查拉·奇拉錫瓦特 / 瓦嵐蕾·康希文 / 頌布蘇克·奈洋斯里 【簡介】 艾提帕特(帕查拉•奇拉錫瓦特 Pachara Chirathivat 飾)高中時期沉迷網絡遊戲,但是卻通過倒賣遊戲道具發家,小小年紀就已經展現出出色的生意頭腦。但因為過久的荒廢學業,畢業考試成績未能通過,因而他只能選擇就讀學費昂貴的私立學校。然而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,父親生意失敗欠下巨額債務,準備舉家遷往國外。但是艾提帕特堅持留下來為父親還債。為此,他嘗試了倒賣DVD遊戲機,擺攤兜售糖炒栗子,但都因為經驗不足而失敗,創業之路荊棘滿佈。機緣巧合的他發現了海苔作為零食的商機,通過不斷嘗試,他克服了海苔保鮮的問題,出品的海苔大獲好評。他沒有止步在零售階段,而是自學營銷理論,通過不斷改進生產質量和克服大量加工生產的難題,取得了與零售超市大亨7-eleven的合作,在兩年內償還了父親四千萬的債務,並在26歲成為了億萬富翁,創造了生意場上的奇蹟。 該片通過泰國海苔大亨的真人真事改編,講述了他個人的勵志故事。 What are you doing at his age? Age 16, TOP gained 400,000 Baht monthly from playing online games. Age 17, He was willing to fail school and instead earned money from selling chestnuts for 2,000 baht. Age 18, His family went bankrupt and remained 40 million Baht in debt. Age 19, He released Tao Kae Noi seaweed to more than 3,000 branches at 7-Eleven. At this present, Top is a 26-year-old businessman, the owner of the bestselling seaweed in Thailand. He owns 85 percent of the market share which is equivalent to 800 million Baht a year, and has 2,000 employees in his company. The Billionaire will let you get to know Top Ittipat in details about how he turned himself from an online game addict whom always got disparaged by teachers, to a famous young billionaire. How did he raise himself up to this position? Surely, everyone desires to get rich, yet not everyone dares to succeed like him. Find the answers that have made Top become a billionaire, while you still can. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


鬼夫 - Pee Mak
01h 51m
鬼夫 - Pee Mak



【主演】 馬里奧·毛瑞爾 / 黛薇卡·霍內 / Nattapong Chartpong / Pongsatorn Jongwilak / Wiwat Kongrasri / Kantapat Permpoonpatcharasuk / 措恩·金達科特 【簡介】 曼谷王朝戰爭期間,抱持著對妻子小奈以及即將出世孩子的思念,小小麥闖過血雨腥風的戰場,總算和戰友小特、老普、阿信以及阿艾熬到了退伍的那一天。歷經千辛萬苦,小小麥和夥伴們終於回到老家,然而村中清冷的景象卻讓眾人頗為詫異。 幸運的是他見到了妻子,夫妻久別重逢,執手相看淚眼竟無語凝噎。歡喜之餘,小小麥更熱情地留好哥們在家中居住。到了次日,其餘四人趕集玩耍,誰知竟意外聽說小奈早已難產的流言。那麼他們前一日所看到的究竟是誰?當晚,阿艾來到小小麥的家中,不幸證實了聽說的一切。他們該如何從女鬼手中救出自己的好兄弟呢?    本片根據泰國著名民間傳說改編。 Mak served in the war during the beginning of the Rattanakosin Dynasty. At war he became friends with Ter, Puak, Shin, and Aey, whose lives he saved. Once the war was over, Mak invited his four friends into his home in Phra Khanong town and introduced them to his beautiful wife Nak and his newborn baby boy Dang. A rumor was going around in the village that Nak had died giving birth to her stillborn baby, Dang. The source of this rumour; Aunty Priak, owner of local liquor store was found dead floating on the river a few days later. The four friends felt it's time to tell Mak the possibility of Nak and Dang could be dead and lingered as haunting ghosts and risk their lives. It's up to Mak to choose love or reality. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


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