【主演】 茱蒂蒙·瓊查容蘇因/ 查儂·散頂騰古/ 依莎亞·賀蘇汪/ 披納若·蘇潘平佑/ 塔內·瓦拉庫努婁/ 莎琳雷特·托馬斯/伊戈·米基塔斯/ 帕辛·寬薩塔彭/ 薩哈賈克·波斯安吉特/ 坎嘉娜·維耐潘尼/ 育塔彭·瓦拉努科洛楚/ 諾帕瓦特·裡基特王 【簡介】 影片根據2014年轟動一時的亞洲考場作弊案改編,講述了天才學霸利用高智商考場作弊牟取暴利的故事。出生平凡的天才少女Lynn(茱蒂蒙·瓊查容蘇因飾)在進入貴族學校後,結識了富二代同學Grace(依莎亞·賀蘇汪飾)與Pat(披納若·蘇潘平佑飾),從此開始了考場作弊生涯,與此同時,另一名記憶力極佳的天才學霸Bank(查儂·散頂騰古飾)發現了Lynn不為人知的“交易”。經過多場險象環生的“作弊戰爭”後,Lynn接下最後一單在國際考場上為富家子弟作弊的天價委託。一場橫跨兩大洲的完美作弊方案橫空出世,然而一切並不像他們想的那麼簡單… Lynn, a genius high school student who makes money by cheating tests, receives a new task that leads her to set foot on Sydney, Australia. In order to complete the millions-Baht task, Lynn and her classmates have to finish the international STIC(SAT) exam and deliver the answers back to her friends in Thailand before the exam takes place once again in her home country. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 納瓦·君拉納拉 / 芮塔·彭安 / Virapond Jirawetsuntorakul 【簡介】 年輕有為的青年律師傑特(納瓦·君拉納拉Nawat Kulratanarak 飾)自幼擁有陰陽眼,他可以看到常人無法看見的眾生,從小見多了報應索命的案例,因此深信宿命循環、因果不虛的真理。進入律師界,他憑藉豐富的學識成為小有名氣的律界精英,並和美麗的女友小瓊(雅雅英 Yayaying Rhatha Phongam 飾)情意篤真。雖然相信因果,但傑特有時還會以法律為幌子幫助一些惡人逃脫制裁。某晚,他駕車夜歸險些遭遇一場重大車禍,肇事者歌曼(Virapond Jirawetsuntorakul 飾)年僅16歲,是某石油大亨的繼女。傑特知曉歌曼係受怨靈控制,所以接手為其辯護的工作。 自詡憑藉學識和陰陽眼幫人逃脫法律和因果的傑特,即將陷入自己親手挖掘的惡業深坑之中。 Jet is a man who has a paranormal ability since he was born. But it makes him a freak among his friends. But everything changes when Jet falls in love with a girl. He begins to use his ability to help her in a way that he shouldn't. And it leads Jets into a dark, unkind destiny. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 馬里奧·毛瑞爾 / 黛薇卡·霍內 / Nattapong Chartpong / Pongsatorn Jongwilak / Wiwat Kongrasri / Kantapat Permpoonpatcharasuk / 措恩·金達科特 【簡介】 曼谷王朝戰爭期間,抱持著對妻子小奈以及即將出世孩子的思念,小小麥闖過血雨腥風的戰場,總算和戰友小特、老普、阿信以及阿艾熬到了退伍的那一天。歷經千辛萬苦,小小麥和夥伴們終於回到老家,然而村中清冷的景象卻讓眾人頗為詫異。 幸運的是他見到了妻子,夫妻久別重逢,執手相看淚眼竟無語凝噎。歡喜之餘,小小麥更熱情地留好哥們在家中居住。到了次日,其餘四人趕集玩耍,誰知竟意外聽說小奈早已難產的流言。那麼他們前一日所看到的究竟是誰?當晚,阿艾來到小小麥的家中,不幸證實了聽說的一切。他們該如何從女鬼手中救出自己的好兄弟呢? 本片根據泰國著名民間傳說改編。 Mak served in the war during the beginning of the Rattanakosin Dynasty. At war he became friends with Ter, Puak, Shin, and Aey, whose lives he saved. Once the war was over, Mak invited his four friends into his home in Phra Khanong town and introduced them to his beautiful wife Nak and his newborn baby boy Dang. A rumor was going around in the village that Nak had died giving birth to her stillborn baby, Dang. The source of this rumour; Aunty Priak, owner of local liquor store was found dead floating on the river a few days later. The four friends felt it's time to tell Mak the possibility of Nak and Dang could be dead and lingered as haunting ghosts and risk their lives. It's up to Mak to choose love or reality. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/