【主演】 尚格·雲頓/奧圖姆·瑞瑟/彼得·斯特曼/瑪利亞·康柯塔·阿隆索/丹尼爾·伯哈特/克里斯·範·達默/米拉·卡拉朱杰維 克/保羅·辛普森/基蘭·加拉赫/彼得·奧根/埃迪·馬休斯/多米尼克·塞爾瓦托 【簡介】 該片主要講述了神秘陌生客(範達姆)槍戰後被送進醫院,外國匪幫明目張膽地追捕他到醫院,而他的護士則是這次追捕的唯一倖存見證人。他要面對的是聯邦調查局的訊問,及國際陰謀和復仇。本片情節曲折反轉,直到最後的子彈射出才為你揭曉謎底。 After a massive shootout, a mysterious stranger (Van Damme) arrives at a local hospital on the brink of death. Then, a foreign gang brazenly comes to the hospital to hunt him down. His nurse, the sole surviving witness to the follow-up shootout, must face an FBI interrogation that unlocks a plot of international intrigue and revenge. With enough twists and turns, KILL'EM ALL will keep you guessing until the final bullet is fired. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/