【主演】 劉青雲 / 林家棟 / 李小璐 / 江一燕 / 郭曉東 / 鳳小岳 / 孫佳君 【簡介】 銀行相繼倒閉,大批失業遊民流落街頭。一連串離奇自殺案件彷彿指引著松東路去探究隱藏在其背後更大的黑幕。十年前被掩埋的屠村案件被揭開、疑犯通過文字遊戲傳遞著口令,接踵而至的案件掀起了巨大的恐慌,城中風雲攢動,人人自危,富商、警察、教授、學生……每個人的言行舉止都充滿疑點,而每個人都在猜測下一個離奇自殺的會不會是自己?究竟是誰密謀了這一切,讓這個原本美好的地方變成了絕望之城?尋找真相迫在眉睫… Prisoner Fu Yuan digs a tunnel in her prison cell and escapes. Inspector Song Donglu is summoned to investigate Fu's escape. By tracking down the letters sent to him by Fu, it sets Song off to Hong City to unravel Fu's disappearance. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 劉德華 / 姚晨 / 林家棟 / 胡軍 / 呂良偉 / 姜皓文 / 黃德斌 / 梁烈唯 / 唐文龍 / 施祖男 / 尹子維 / 洪天照 / 王敏德 / 王祖藍 / 徐家傑 / 葉山豪 / 徐偉棟 / 張兆輝 / 陳保元 / 陳沛妍 / 黃智賢 / 盧海鵬 / 冼色麗 【簡介】 香港鬧市街頭,一輛押款車被前科累累的重犯曹楠(胡軍 飾)劫持。重案組高級督察呂明哲(劉德華 飾)率隊趕往現場,與曹楠一夥發生激烈火拼。誰知危機關頭,一輛突然出現的汽車攪亂戰局。曹楠趁機逃走,而那輛車的車主陶成邦(林家棟 飾)被警方請入警局。陶和明哲是老同學,後來作為古惑仔混跡江湖。出事前他剛剛出獄不久。明哲以及成邦的女友燕冰(姚晨 飾)無論如何都不相信他和曹楠無關,而囂張的曹楠更五次三番戲耍警察。為了抓住這個狡猾凶狠的對手,明哲決定安排內應潛入對方內部,無奈遭遇慘烈挫敗。 站在人生的十字路口,陶成邦的選擇成為左右戰局的關鍵。而隨著風暴愈演愈烈,正邪雙方的界限徹底模糊… A storm is heading to the city, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to bring down everything it touches. A crew of seasoned criminals led by the notorious Nam (Hu Jun), armed with high-powered weapons, pulls off another smooth and violent armored car heist in broad daylight in a crowded street. Whoever tries to get in their way, they will show no mercy. This puts the police force to shame and humiliation. A hardboiled senior police inspector Lui (Andy Lau), hot on the trails of Nam and his tight crew, determines to put an end to this madness that causes the lives of innocent people. But he soon comes face to face with the cruel reality that the usual police tactics are too futile to send these armed thieves behind bars. Extreme crime requires extreme justice, even if it means crossing his moral line. Tou (Lam Ka Tung), an ex-con desperate to leave his criminal past behind, volunteers to be Lui's snitch in exchange for a fresh start with his girlfriend Bing (Yao Chen). But little does he know what hellish situation he's getting himself into. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/