【主演】 杜汶澤、王宗堯、姜皓文、黃秋生、陳家樂、洪卓立、冼色麗、陳意嵐、黃德斌、吳浩康、趙碩之、何華超 【簡介】 黑幫的「坐館」(龍頭)是整個幫會至高無上的總揸fit人,負責決策幫會中一切大小事務。多年來,叔父們為了維護自身利益和繼續掌控幫會大權,都會推舉一個聽命於他們的頭目來當影子坐館。一直對坐館職位虎視眈眈的「火」字堆大佬豺狼向叔父自薦成為候選人,而剛刑滿出獄的「金」字堆大佬阿七則不滿小圈子製度,大膽發起「公投選坐館」。為了要得到幫中兄弟和各堆門生的支持,豺狼和阿七各顯實力,向各方示好,又互相揭發黑材料。當幾個字堆爭得頭崩額裂之時,元老級人馬神爺究竟又在背後密謀些什麼呢? 【FOLLOW ME ON:】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 杜汶澤 / 李國煌 / 葉璇 / 曾志偉 / 王敏奕 / 吳嘉熙 / 盧海鵬 / 朱咪咪 / 邵音音 / 苑瓊丹 / 天心 / 林家冰 / 鄭建國 / 劉謙益 / 莫小玲 / 周崇慶 / 陳凱旋 【簡介】 當年,白中發(杜汶澤飾)與皇天霸(李國煌飾)師從於麻雀至尊儒五常(曾志偉飾),白中發天性淡泊,學到了儒五常的麻雀精髓,而皇天霸爭強好勝,後終與師父、師兄決裂。二十多年後,白中發與女兒四喜開飯館度日。連續獲得十界麻雀王大賽冠軍的皇天霸不甘心首屆“麻雀王”桂冠被白中發贏得,時時策劃在麻將桌上贏下師兄。另一方面,曾經拋棄白中發父女二人的夢娜(葉璇 飾)突然出現,原來夢娜愛慕虛榮,不能忍受奪得麻雀王稱號的白中發退隱,遂丟下襁褓中的四喜離去。但夢娜的這次歸來並非單純為了找回丈夫和女兒,其背後有著皇天霸的指使,師兄弟的麻雀對決一觸即發… A family comedy set in modern times, KING OF MAHJONG illustrates how friendship among kampong kakis ("buddies") and love between family members underscore all ambitions and desire for power. Movie viewers can expect the boisterous characters to generate loads of witty, well-timed, jokes and look forward to lots of lively repartee. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 杜汶澤 / 薛凱琪 / 羅家英 / 朱咪咪 / 胡然 / 伍允龍 【簡介】 舒奇(杜汶澤 飾)和香香(薛凱琪 飾)同為爛賭之人,二人因在澳門賭博時同時欠下巨額高利貸而相識,並由彼此互看不爽到互生愛意。於是回港後,兩人決定結婚。 婚後,兩人的事業都風生水起。舒奇進入了電影圈並因投資人Michelle(胡然 飾)的垂青而擔任男主角。香香則因為賭術精湛而被賭場老闆Sam(伍允龍 飾)高薪聘請對付老千。同時,二人事業上的伯樂在生活中也對二人示好並展開追求,更為讓舒奇與香香離婚,並且獲得女兒的撫養權而不擇手段。而最終舒奇和香香也發現,原來他們對彼此來說要比想像中的重要… Manfred and Flora are compulsive gamblers who can gamble on anything 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They meet at a casino in Macau, where they both suffer heavy losses and are held hostage by loan sharks. During their hostage ordeal, they start to have passion for each other. When they meet in Hong Kong again, they finally fall in love and decided to get married. After they married, their luck turned, making great progress in both their career and relationship. They soon gave birth to their daughter. With assistance of a charming producer, Michelle, Manfred got the chance to take a leading role in a new movie. The Casino Boss, Sam, invited Flora to work for him to chase away the con men. In fact, Michelle and Sam are ex-lovers. Both of them are now attracted by Manfred and Floras unique characters and go for them in full strength. Manfred and Flora cannot resist the temptation and decided to get divorced. However, both of them would like to obtain their daughters custody rights. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/