【主演】 李國煌 / 王雷 【簡介】 電影分為兩個短片。 《鬼才給你off 》:阿南和阿雷是兩名備戰軍人,兩人來到軍營接收訓練。不幸的是,負責訓練他們的排長是一個極為嚴苛冷酷的男人,待他們手下毫不留情。為了能夠逃脫艱苦的訓練,阿南和阿雷想出了種種歪招,卻總是被排長識破而遭到辱罵懲罰。最終,忍無可忍的兩人決定使出一個終極大招,哪知道這個大招給他們帶來了滅頂之災。 《鬼才嫁給你》:阿輝是一個內向木訥不善言辭的男人,這樣的個性令他在情場中屢屢遭遇挫折,漸漸對愛情失去了希望。某日,阿輝結識了一位名叫阿海的男子,阿海告訴阿輝,自己能夠有辦法幫阿輝帶來桃花運,此時的阿輝並不知道,阿海其實是一個開啟了地獄之門的傢伙
【主演】 梁智強 / 李國煌 / 程旭輝 / 賴怡伶 / 黎明 / 林茹萍 / 鐘耀南 【簡介】 杨宝辉(程旭辉 饰)、杨宝强(梁智强 饰)和杨宝煌(李国煌 饰)是情同手足的三兄弟,彼此之间感情十分要好,尽管生长在同一个家庭之中,但当他们成年步入社会后,却分别走向了三个不同的阶级,过着三段迥然相异的人生。 杨宝辉靠做保健品传销发家,尽管在短时间内赚得盆满钵满,但很快问题一一显现,劣质的产品甚至威胁到了顾客的健康,而杨宝辉一家人的生活就此陷入了窘境。杨宝强靠着自己的努力成为了大老板,尽管不愁吃穿,但内心始终有危机感,为了赚得更多,杨宝强投资起了房地产,却跌了大跟头。杨宝煌是传销公司的区域代理,事业经营的风生水起,可始终没有什么存款,实属月光一族。他们在金钱面前做出的选择,亦是对人生的选择。 3 brothers living in Singapore, each leading a different lifestyle. They discover the deeper meanings in life as tragedies unfold, with comedy & tears along the way. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 杜汶澤 / 李國煌 / 葉璇 / 曾志偉 / 王敏奕 / 吳嘉熙 / 盧海鵬 / 朱咪咪 / 邵音音 / 苑瓊丹 / 天心 / 林家冰 / 鄭建國 / 劉謙益 / 莫小玲 / 周崇慶 / 陳凱旋 【簡介】 當年,白中發(杜汶澤飾)與皇天霸(李國煌飾)師從於麻雀至尊儒五常(曾志偉飾),白中發天性淡泊,學到了儒五常的麻雀精髓,而皇天霸爭強好勝,後終與師父、師兄決裂。二十多年後,白中發與女兒四喜開飯館度日。連續獲得十界麻雀王大賽冠軍的皇天霸不甘心首屆“麻雀王”桂冠被白中發贏得,時時策劃在麻將桌上贏下師兄。另一方面,曾經拋棄白中發父女二人的夢娜(葉璇 飾)突然出現,原來夢娜愛慕虛榮,不能忍受奪得麻雀王稱號的白中發退隱,遂丟下襁褓中的四喜離去。但夢娜的這次歸來並非單純為了找回丈夫和女兒,其背後有著皇天霸的指使,師兄弟的麻雀對決一觸即發… A family comedy set in modern times, KING OF MAHJONG illustrates how friendship among kampong kakis ("buddies") and love between family members underscore all ambitions and desire for power. Movie viewers can expect the boisterous characters to generate loads of witty, well-timed, jokes and look forward to lots of lively repartee. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 李国煌 Mark Lee / 许亮宇 【簡介】 農曆七月,鬼門大開。某座小島上流傳著一個恐怖的傳說,當年有一名女子剛好死在午夜23:59,此後她的怨靈不散,盤桓小島。駐島軍營中,言語粗魯的Dragon(Lawrence Koh 飾)向戰友講述了這些傳說,嚇壞了軟弱膽小的譚(曾國琿 飾)。原來譚曾聲稱不久前見過那名女鬼,生怕自己被殘忍殺害,可是他的說辭不僅遭到戰友的恥笑,連最好的朋友傑里米(許亮宇 飾)也不相信。不久,軍隊即將舉行長途行軍,上士Kuah(Mark Lee 飾)篤信神佛,生怕那一天沖撞“好朋友”請求延期,無奈留洋歸來的長官拒不採納。是夜,譚慘死林中,在戰士之間引起軒然大波。 在此之後,軍中靈異事件相繼發生… An army recruit was found dead during a 24km road march. After the death of the recruit, strange things started to happen, haunting all the soldiers in the barracks. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 李国煌 / 杨雁雁 / 黄明志 / 童冰玉 【簡介】 夫妻的史都耀(李國煌)和鍾離春(楊雁雁)在茨廠街經營福建面,時常面對殖民地警察及幫會的勒索和欺壓。都耀誤打誤撞之下結識了一個神秘的美女高手小菊(童冰玉),更被指為明朝建文帝的子孫。而深藏不露的離春和陳坤(黃明志)也在這時顯露了高強的武功。伴隨而來的是各門各派的虎視眈眈,誓奪連他自己都不知道存在的藏寶圖。頓時茨廠街風起雲湧,高手雲集。到底都耀能不能解開自己的身世之謎,並搭救一直默默保護他的老婆呢? Set against the background of Petaling Street in 1908, Petaling Street Warriors tells the story of a pair of married couple, Shi Duyao (Mark Lee) and Zhung Lichun (Yeo Yann Yann), who operate a Hokkien mee stall in Petaling Street, where they suffer from the inefficiency of the colonial government and suppression by the Chinese gangsters. While trying to impress his wife, Duyao encounters a mysterious yet strikingly beautiful kungfu expert, Xiaoju (Chris Tong), who claims that Duyao is a descendant of the missing Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty. To stop a group of Qing warriors and Japanese ninjas from robbing a treasure map that Duyao doesn't even know he has, Lichun and her cousin, Liu Kun (Namewee), finally reveal their kungfu, turning Petaling Street into the ultimate battleground. Facing enemies of unthinkable powers, could Duyao unravel the mystery of his real identity and come to his wife's rescue just in time?A group of people fight to survive in a zombie-infested town. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 陳俊權 / 王雷 / 廖永誼 / 林俊良 / 李國煌 / 程旭輝 / 周崇慶 【簡介】 講述圍繞著四個試圖改過自新的前罪犯的生活展開。胡主席、瘋狗、簡仁(Shawn Ho)和Sha Bao(音)創辦了一家食品和飲料公司,但他們的過去趕上了他們,因為Ah Hu的十幾歲的兒子,扮演的是一個賣*品的麻煩人物。人之初,性本善。性相近,習相遠。 The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf. Ah Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their past catches up with them as Ah Hu’s teenage son, played by Shawn Ho, gets into trouble for selling drugs.
【主演】 陳麗貞 / 李國煌 / 王雷 / 陳俊銘 / 薩米·優素夫 / 廖永誼 / 薛素麗 / 蘇海米 【簡介】 本片以上世紀六十年代的本地家庭為主軸,通過成員的際遇,帶出早期的甘榜生活以及後來的組屋生活,劇情橫跨數十年。 電影也將體現新加坡如何從一個以方言為主流語言的社會演變成華語到現今英語的過程,從中回顧流失的方言。它也會融入導演的許多親身經歷,並將安插多首懷舊歌曲。 After the 1969 nationwide floods, Zhao Di takes over her father's family farm with the help of reformed gangster Ah Long. As Singapore's economy prospers, the Singaporean mindset is also forced to change with the times. Osman catches his teenage son, Ahmad practicing with his rock band. As a conservative man, Osman believes rock music will have a negative influence on Ahmad. Father and son argue over their different opinions, causing Ahmad to run away. Meanwhile, Ah Hee and Rani decide to get married. But their traditional parents disapprove of their marriage. In 1977, the Government begins expropriating land for redevelopment, forcing villagers from their kampongs. Licensed farmland owners, such as Zhao Di, are financially compensated for their land. Ah Kun, Zhao Di's greedy brother accuses Zhao Di and Ah Long of having an affair to tarnish her name in front of the family. In the midst of Ah Kun's persistent accusations, Zhao Di's health takes a hit. Will Zhao Di be able to keep her hard-earned compensation money? What will become of her family if Zhao Di's health continues to deteriorate? As people change with time, will the kampong spirit remain? 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 陳麗貞 / 李國煌 / 薩米·優素夫 / 陳俊銘 / 王雷 / 黃晶晶 / 廖永誼 / 薛素麗 / 黎沸揮 / 程旭輝 / 蘇海米 【簡介】 本片以上世紀六十年代的本地家庭為主軸,通過成員的際遇,帶出早期的甘榜生活以及後來的組屋生活,劇情橫跨數十年。 電影也將體現新加坡如何從一個以方言為主流語言的社會演變成華語到現今英語的過程,從中回顧流失的方言。它也會融入導演的許多親身經歷,並將安插多首懷舊歌曲。 LONG LONG TIME AGO follows the trials and tribulations of a family from 1965 to the early 1970s. Their journey through the years from their humble kampong to a modern HDB flat, runs in ... 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/