【主演】 山田涼介 / 菅田將暉 / 山本舞香 / 竹富聖花 / 優希美青 / 上原實矩 / 葵若菜 / 知英 / 加藤清史郎 / 高島政伸 / 椎名桔平 / 二宮和也 【簡介】 名門高中椚椚丘中學的墊底班級3年E班,在新一學年迎來了一個奇怪的老師(二宮和也 配音)。這個老師長著圓圓的黃色大腦袋以及黏滑噁心的觸角,原來他就是不久前將月亮炸成月牙的罪魁禍首。日本防務省特種部隊的精英烏間惟臣(椎名桔平 飾)向學生們介紹了怪物的情況,他擁有20馬赫的超快速度,人類尋常的武器對他完全不起作用。為了阻止怪物一年後摧毀地球的陰謀,人類必須想方設法除掉他。 而怪物自告奮勇願意出任3年E班的班主任,於是乎手無縛雞之力的學生們擔當起刺殺怪物的重任。此後,學生們接受了烏間的嚴格培訓,而殺手比琪(知英飾)、智能機器人自律思考固定砲台(橋本環奈飾)、轉學生堀部系成(加藤清史郎飾)以及教官鷹岡明(高島政伸飾)等強大對手也相繼來到這間暗殺教室內,搞怪的“殺老師”將面臨永無止息的刺殺行動… The Earth's moon is suddenly 70% smaller and permanently crescent shaped by a devastating and unknown force. For the students of E Class, Kunugigaoka Junior High School, the being responsible is known, as their teacher. The strange and very supportive entity has given the Japanese government a challenge to save the Earth from destruction. It wants to be the teacher of the class with the lowest expectations for success, in anything. The students, armed with special weapons that only harm their teacher, must find a way to kill him before the end of the school year. If not, summer break will be canceled by the end of the world. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/