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猛男軍中鬼故事 23:59
01h 18m
猛男軍中鬼故事 23:59



【主演】 李国煌 Mark Lee / 许亮宇 【簡介】 農曆七月,鬼門大開。某座小島上流傳著一個恐怖的傳說,當年有一名女子剛好死在午夜23:59,此後她的怨靈不散,盤桓小島。駐島軍營中,言語粗魯的Dragon(Lawrence Koh 飾)向戰友講述了這些傳說,嚇壞了軟弱膽小的譚(曾國琿 飾)。原來譚曾聲稱不久前見過那名女鬼,生怕自己被殘忍殺害,可是他的說辭不僅遭到戰友的恥笑,連最好的朋友傑里米(許亮宇 飾)也不相信。不久,軍隊即將舉行長途行軍,上士Kuah(Mark Lee 飾)篤信神佛,生怕那一天沖撞“好朋友”請求延期,無奈留洋歸來的長官拒不採納。是夜,譚慘死林中,在戰士之間引起軒然大波。 在此之後,軍中靈異事件相繼發生… An army recruit was found dead during a 24km road march. After the death of the recruit, strange things started to happen, haunting all the soldiers in the barracks. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


最佳夥扮 - Young And Fabulous
01h 47m
最佳夥扮 - Young And Fabulous



【主演】 朱主愛 / Aloysius Pang / 權怡鳳 / 葛米星 / 程旭輝 / 陳偉恩 / Jeffrey Xu 【簡介】 一部描寫三個青少年朋友景天,紫甯和郝仁的成長故事,敘述他們如何通過重重挑戰和難關,披荊斬棘追逐夢想。過程中,他們認識了自己,體會到友誼的真諦,了解到如何處理與父母和老師之間的關係,以及如何鼓起勇氣,捍衛自己一直堅持的信念。通過角色扮演這個長輩看來非常無聊的活動,三個朋友互相輔助學習,在彼此的幫助下,克服了各自的障礙。 郝仁教景天如何善用口才與供應商討價還價來節省服裝製作的成本,鼓勵他勇敢表達。紫寧則把6v電影網絕招傳授給景天,提拔他的自信心。間接的,景天克服了自己口吃的障礙,變得更有自信。紫甯和郝仁也在景天的影響下,在生活和學業上,更盡責和努力。 現今社會競爭尤其激烈,年輕的一代將如何在這個重視現實勝過創意思維的大環境下逆流而上,一路懷抱著夢想與希望尋找勇氣和自信,闖出屬於自己的一片天? YOUNG and FABULOUS is a coming-of-age story of a group of teenage friends-Royston, Violet, and Hao Ren-who strive against all challenges and obstacles for their dreams. On their journey of self-discovery, they also learn the meaning of friendship, the different perspectives in parent-child and teacher-student relationships, and ultimately the need to have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. In this competitive era with an education system that focuses on academic excellence, how will the younger generation find courage and confidence to hold on to their dreams and hopes in a society that values practicality over creativity? 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


孩子不壞 - We Not Naughty
02h 11m
孩子不壞 - We Not Naughty



【主演】 李創銳 / 陳曉東 / 夏如芝 / 洪賜健 / 盧楷浚 【簡介】 偉傑(李創銳飾)、阿寶(盧楷浚飾)和健仁(洪賜建飾)是三個成年人眼中的“壞小孩”,他們不用功讀書,腦袋裡整天想著各種各樣奇怪的鬼點子。由於常年受到忽視,叛逆的健仁誤入了歧途,債台高築的他無奈只能向高利貸公司尋求幫助。為了幫助健仁,擅長機械製造的偉傑發明了一種“討 債機”,有了討債機的幫助,健仁辦起事來如有神助。黑道大佬老馬(巫啟賢 飾)無意之中見識到了討債機的威利,心懷不軌的他千方百計的想要將討債機弄到手,將其運用到毒品走私的行當內。老師CK(陳曉東 飾)察覺了這一陰謀,善良正義的他決定助三個孩子一臂之力,帶領他們重回正軌。 A movie about growing up in Singapore, which focuses on the lives of two families where the oldest children gets involved with the local mafia. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


我的狗蚪蚪 - My Dog Dou Dou
01h 35m
我的狗蚪蚪 - My Dog Dou Dou



【主演】 王识贤 / 卢楷浚 / 李元玲 【簡介】 該電影是一部溫馨奇幻、劇情片,講述一個嗜賭如命的父親,與他相依為命的兒子,機緣巧合下領養了一隻能預測真字,讓人發橫財的狗兒。 《我的狗蚪蚪》透過這只發財狗拉近父子之間感情,讓彼此發現親情的可貴。 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


大英雄小男人 - Petaling Street Warriors
01h 43m
大英雄小男人 - Petaling Street Warriors



【主演】 李国煌 / 杨雁雁 / 黄明志 / 童冰玉 【簡介】 夫妻的史都耀(李國煌)和鍾離春(楊雁雁)在茨廠街經營福建面,時常面對殖民地警察及幫會的勒索和欺壓。都耀誤打誤撞之下結識了一個神秘的美女高手小菊(童冰玉),更被指為明朝建文帝的子孫。而深藏不露的離春和陳坤(黃明志)也在這時顯露了高強的武功。伴隨而來的是各門各派的虎視眈眈,誓奪連他自己都不知道存在的藏寶圖。頓時茨廠街風起雲湧,高手雲集。到底都耀能不能解開自己的身世之謎,並搭救一直默默保護他的老婆呢? Set against the background of Petaling Street in 1908, Petaling Street Warriors tells the story of a pair of married couple, Shi Duyao (Mark Lee) and Zhung Lichun (Yeo Yann Yann), who operate a Hokkien mee stall in Petaling Street, where they suffer from the inefficiency of the colonial government and suppression by the Chinese gangsters. While trying to impress his wife, Duyao encounters a mysterious yet strikingly beautiful kungfu expert, Xiaoju (Chris Tong), who claims that Duyao is a descendant of the missing Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty. To stop a group of Qing warriors and Japanese ninjas from robbing a treasure map that Duyao doesn't even know he has, Lichun and her cousin, Liu Kun (Namewee), finally reveal their kungfu, turning Petaling Street into the ultimate battleground. Facing enemies of unthinkable powers, could Duyao unravel the mystery of his real identity and come to his wife's rescue just in time?A group of people fight to survive in a zombie-infested town. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


笑著回家 - Homecoming
01h 33m
笑著回家 - Homecoming



【主演】 梁智強 / 阿牛 / 李國煌 / 鄭秀珍 / 林慧玲 / 黃文鴻 / 高藝 / 艾麗西婭·基斯 / 蘇珊·利 / 劉玲玲 / 黃文永 【簡介】 笑著回家》是一部圍繞著家庭和家人團聚的故事。劇中的任務和他們的家庭來自不同背景、年齡層、社交圈子等。劇中人物在故事里通過親情關係, 友誼或處在地理位置, 讓故事交接在一塊。 故事發生在華人新年除夕,李國煌 在劇中飾演一位對自己要求非常高的廚師卻不能管教他的女兒。林慧玲和黃文鴻飾演一對準新人而林慧玲將得跟未來岳父岳母見面。梁志強這次將反串飾演一位中年婦女而阿牛將飾演她的兒子, 跟隨她啟程到馬來西亞跟家人度過每年的團圓飯。他們將經歷一段詼諧有趣的旅途。這部電影捕捉了各故事溫馨的精髓以及傳統過節團聚的意義。 故事看點: 這部電影是由三個故事組成,故事發生在新馬兩地的華人新年除夕日,講述戲中的四名主角回家過年吃年夜飯途中所遇到的趣事,一個個溫馨的情節、帶出了家人的重要性。此外,這部《笑著回家》內容還富有諷刺性、笑料更是連連,間中更不忘在大拋笑彈之餘帶出溫馨感人的部分,讓人在笑後也有所深思;同時為了讓“本土”刻畫得深刻些,電影中也參雜了新馬獨有的語言,可說是新馬合作以來最具有誠意的一部電影。 Every family is supposed to gather for Chinese New Year. In "Homecoming" we follow various people between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur seeking, avoiding, enjoying or resisting their families. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


老師嫁老大 - Ah Long Pte Ltd
01h 49m
老師嫁老大 - Ah Long Pte Ltd



【主演】 範文芳 / 李國煌 / 劉謙益 / 黃國強 / 林德榮 【簡介】 黒道“少和幫”風雲人物陳軍(劉謙益 飾)金盆洗手,傳位於愛徒王立華(範文芳 飾)。王立華有他人不具備的遠見卓識,她取締了原先靠暴力幫人討債的手段,以確保幫會不被警方盯上而瓦解。所以,上台伊始,她就對原先幫會內部製度進行大刀闊斧的改革,不料她的舉措招致師父陳軍不滿。立華的丈夫(李國煌 飾)是一名舞蹈老師,他的婚姻基本屬於“拉郎配”,是被黑道所逼與立華成的親,名為夫妻,實則兩人沒有什麼感情。青龍幫幫主(林德榮 飾)知悉陳軍與立華不睦,趁機挑唆離間少和幫關係,並想拉攏陳軍易幟,狡詐的陳軍能悟出其中詭計嗎.... 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


遇見貴人 - Take 2
01h 48m
遇見貴人 - Take 2



【主演】 陳俊權 / 王雷 / 廖永誼 / 林俊良 / 李國煌 / 程旭輝 / 周崇慶 【簡介】 講述圍繞著四個試圖改過自新的前罪犯的生活展開。胡主席、瘋狗、簡仁(Shawn Ho)和Sha Bao(音)創辦了一家食品和飲料公司,但他們的過去趕上了他們,因為Ah Hu的十幾歲的兒子,扮演的是一個賣*品的麻煩人物。人之初,性本善。性相近,習相遠。 The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf. Ah Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their past catches up with them as Ah Hu’s teenage son, played by Shawn Ho, gets into trouble for selling drugs.


獅神決戰之終極一戰 - The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown
01h 42m
獅神決戰之終極一戰 - The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown



【主演】 王偉良 / 林俊良 / 程硯秋 / 張智揚 / 陳天文 【簡介】 《獅神決戰之終極一戰》為《獅神決戰》的續集,延續第一部的故事,講述Mikey(王偉良飾)和Babyface(林俊良飾)在舞獅創意比賽后,與獅神(張智楊飾)產生磨擦,後來獅神又發現Mikey對小雨(程硯秋飾)懷有愛慕之情,而對他產生敵意,究竟在最後的總決賽會發生什麼事呢? 4人之間的友誼是否還能長存?


獅神決戰 - The Lion Man
02h 01m
獅神決戰 - The Lion Man



【主演】 Wang Wei Liang / Tosh Zhang / Noah Yap 【簡介】 這部電影的劇情集中在新加坡的競爭對手獅子舞團 - 一個傳統劇團的自由派派系虎克蘭(由王偉亮率領)離開後形成一個名為風雲騎士的新組合(由Tosh Zhang ),它倡導一種新型的舞獅舞,具有更現代的嘻哈舞蹈和更華麗的雜技。 與此同時,演出的男明星與第三個競爭對手黑鷹隊發生衝突,他們參加了武術比賽,愛三角形比賽,當然還有舞獅比賽。 其中五位深受喜愛的“阿男到男人”為這部電影添上了頭條新聞,並加入了23個“未知數”。 The film's plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditional troupe, Tiger Crane (led by Wang Wei Liang), breaks away from it to form a new one called Storm Riders (led by Tosh Zhang), which advocates a new style of lion dance with more modern influences of hip hop dance and more flashy acrobatics. Meanwhile, the male stars of the show clash with a third rival troupe called Black Hawk, competing in wushu, love triangles and of course, lion dance. Five of the well-loved "Ah Boys To Men" cast headline the film, joined by 23 "unknowns".


新兵正傳3 - Ah Boys to Men III
02h 27m
新兵正傳3 - Ah Boys to Men III



【主演】 王偉良/張智揚/林俊良/黃愷傑/陳偉恩 【簡介】 賀歲片“新兵正傳三:蛙人傳”講述新加坡海軍蛙人部隊新兵的故事。 In an alternate timeline, Ken, Lobang and Wayang King are transferred to the Naval Diving Unit (NDU) and have to overcome obstacles and personal issues to grow as people.


新兵正傳2 - Ah Boys to Men II
01h 48m
新兵正傳2 - Ah Boys to Men II



【主演】 陳偉恩/王偉良/ Noah Yap /林俊良Maxi Lim /張智揚Tosh Zhang /劉謙益Richard Low /洪愛玲Irene Ang /陳天文 【簡介】 “新兵正傳II”(英文名:Ah Boys To Men 2)是2013年的一部新加坡賀歲電影,由梁智強執導及編劇,此片是榮登了新加坡影史上最賣座的華語片“新兵正傳“下集,將在2013年2月1日上映。 肯很快地成為了一個有上進心的新兵,並與搭檔羅邦起了衝突,過後也將上演成極暴力的爭執。他的其中一個隊友I.P.男人則為了要向奪走他女友的男人報仇。 A bunch of mischievous recruits go through National Service in Singapore.


新兵正傳1 - Ah Boys to Men I
01h 48m
新兵正傳1 - Ah Boys to Men I



【主演】 陳偉恩/王偉良/ Noah Yap /林俊良/張智揚/劉謙益/洪愛玲 【簡介】 “新兵正傳”講述了富家子弟肯(陳偉恩飾)高中畢業後收到新加坡兵役通知,媽媽(洪愛玲飾)用盡方法助兒子延遲兵役,卻徒勞無功.Ken在不情不願進入部隊,認識了 愛吹牛的王羅邦(王偉良飾),愛拍馬屁的Waylang(林俊良飾)和其貌不揚的IP man(葉榮耀飾)等人.Kan和羅邦經常以各種理由逃避操練。一天,Ken得悉女友移情別戀,為了逃離軍營挽回女友,於是虐待自己至病倒,豈料急忙趕往醫院的爸爸(劉謙益飾)途中卻因心髒病發而發生了車禍...... The film opens with the Republic of Singapore apparently being under an immense invasion from a fictional army, with iconic Singaporean landmarks (such as the Merlion and the Esplanade) coming under fire and many civilians killed brutally. It is later revealed that the war was fictitious setting of a war-based role-playing game played by Ken Chow (Joshua Tan), a rich and spoiled child reluctant to enlist into National Service. Ken plans to study abroad with his girlfriend Amy (Bong Qiu Ting), but his plans are derailed by NS. After being chided by Amy for his childishness, Ken takes it out on a nearby rubbish bin, to be apprehended by two policemen in the vicinity. A disappointed and embarrassed Amy looked very sad and angry.


我們的故事2 - Long Long Time Ago 2
01h 55m
我們的故事2 - Long Long Time Ago 2



【主演】 陳麗貞 / 李國煌 / 王雷 / 陳俊銘 / 薩米·優素夫 / 廖永誼 / 薛素麗 / 蘇海米 【簡介】 本片以上世紀六十年代的本地家庭為主軸,通過成員的際遇,帶出早期的甘榜生活以及後來的組屋生活,劇情橫跨數十年。 電影也將體現新加坡如何從一個以方言為主流語言的社會演變成華語到現今英語的過程,從中回顧流失的方言。它也會融入導演的許多親身經歷,並將安插多首懷舊歌曲。  After the 1969 nationwide floods, Zhao Di takes over her father's family farm with the help of reformed gangster Ah Long. As Singapore's economy prospers, the Singaporean mindset is also forced to change with the times. Osman catches his teenage son, Ahmad practicing with his rock band. As a conservative man, Osman believes rock music will have a negative influence on Ahmad. Father and son argue over their different opinions, causing Ahmad to run away. Meanwhile, Ah Hee and Rani decide to get married. But their traditional parents disapprove of their marriage. In 1977, the Government begins expropriating land for redevelopment, forcing villagers from their kampongs. Licensed farmland owners, such as Zhao Di, are financially compensated for their land. Ah Kun, Zhao Di's greedy brother accuses Zhao Di and Ah Long of having an affair to tarnish her name in front of the family. In the midst of Ah Kun's persistent accusations, Zhao Di's health takes a hit. Will Zhao Di be able to keep her hard-earned compensation money? What will become of her family if Zhao Di's health continues to deteriorate? As people change with time, will the kampong spirit remain? 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


我們的故事 Long Long Time Ago
01h 47m
我們的故事 Long Long Time Ago



【主演】 陳麗貞 / 李國煌 / 薩米·優素夫 / 陳俊銘 / 王雷 / 黃晶晶 / 廖永誼 / 薛素麗 / 黎沸揮 / 程旭輝 / 蘇海米 【簡介】 本片以上世紀六十年代的本地家庭為主軸,通過成員的際遇,帶出早期的甘榜生活以及後來的組屋生活,劇情橫跨數十年。 電影也將體現新加坡如何從一個以方言為主流語言的社會演變成華語到現今英語的過程,從中回顧流失的方言。它也會融入導演的許多親身經歷,並將安插多首懷舊歌曲。 LONG LONG TIME AGO follows the trials and tribulations of a family from 1965 to the early 1970s. Their journey through the years from their humble kampong to a modern HDB flat, runs in ... 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


阿叔娶新娘 - The Vietnamese Bride
01h 14m
阿叔娶新娘 - The Vietnamese Bride



【主演】 程旭輝 / 黃嫊芳 【簡介】 輝是一個收破爛的小人物,寄居在弟弟阿貴家,給阿貴夫妻帶來生活不便,看到電視上有越南紅娘廣告,就出主意讓哥哥阿輝去找中介買了一個越南新娘。越南新娘阿霞就來到了新加坡,見到了阿輝,引發一系列啼笑皆非的故事 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


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file_put_contents(/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

in Filesystem.php (line 122)
at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'file_put_contents(/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889): failed to open stream: No such file or directory', '/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php', 122, array('path' => '/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889', 'contents' => 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gO6fFVp3AiQr15xwXBjVTaHBKvMMIyZ64IDROWNn";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:173:"https://jinjja-eh.club/tag-search-video/%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1?page=2&tag-search-video%2F%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&tags=%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&video_option=video";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}', 'lock' => true))
at file_put_contents('/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gO6fFVp3AiQr15xwXBjVTaHBKvMMIyZ64IDROWNn";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:173:"https://jinjja-eh.club/tag-search-video/%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1?page=2&tag-search-video%2F%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&tags=%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&video_option=video";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}', 2)in Filesystem.php (line 122)
at Filesystem->put('/home/jinjgiyb/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gO6fFVp3AiQr15xwXBjVTaHBKvMMIyZ64IDROWNn";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:173:"https://jinjja-eh.club/tag-search-video/%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1?page=2&tag-search-video%2F%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&tags=%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&video_option=video";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}', true)in FileSessionHandler.php (line 83)
at FileSessionHandler->write('db6LK6Up3zagQZ2rD25sGJf06AKetxBLspDVh889', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gO6fFVp3AiQr15xwXBjVTaHBKvMMIyZ64IDROWNn";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:173:"https://jinjja-eh.club/tag-search-video/%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1?page=2&tag-search-video%2F%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&tags=%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1&video_option=video";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}')in Store.php (line 128)
at Store->save()in StartSession.php (line 88)
at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php (line 218)
at Kernel->terminateMiddleware(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php (line 189)
at Kernel->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in index.php (line 58)