【主演】 陳偉恩/王偉良/ Noah Yap /林俊良/張智揚/劉謙益/洪愛玲 【簡介】 “新兵正傳”講述了富家子弟肯(陳偉恩飾)高中畢業後收到新加坡兵役通知,媽媽(洪愛玲飾)用盡方法助兒子延遲兵役,卻徒勞無功.Ken在不情不願進入部隊,認識了 愛吹牛的王羅邦(王偉良飾),愛拍馬屁的Waylang(林俊良飾)和其貌不揚的IP man(葉榮耀飾)等人.Kan和羅邦經常以各種理由逃避操練。一天,Ken得悉女友移情別戀,為了逃離軍營挽回女友,於是虐待自己至病倒,豈料急忙趕往醫院的爸爸(劉謙益飾)途中卻因心髒病發而發生了車禍...... The film opens with the Republic of Singapore apparently being under an immense invasion from a fictional army, with iconic Singaporean landmarks (such as the Merlion and the Esplanade) coming under fire and many civilians killed brutally. It is later revealed that the war was fictitious setting of a war-based role-playing game played by Ken Chow (Joshua Tan), a rich and spoiled child reluctant to enlist into National Service. Ken plans to study abroad with his girlfriend Amy (Bong Qiu Ting), but his plans are derailed by NS. After being chided by Amy for his childishness, Ken takes it out on a nearby rubbish bin, to be apprehended by two policemen in the vicinity. A disappointed and embarrassed Amy looked very sad and angry.