【主演】 朱咪咪 / 李國煌 / 廖語晴 / 賴力豪 / 梁祖儀 【簡介】 電影由幾個故事相互穿插而成,一個毒販與一年輕女子偷嚐禁果後鬧出人命;因為一個酒精、毒品、藥物作祟的夜晚,四個航空機艙人員為了一個又一個蓋不住的謊言而釀成大錯;兩個欲改過自新的騙子,卻陰差陽錯陷入了一場傻省之禍。一連串看似相連又不相干的人事物,因為身邊所有連鎖反應,扭轉了周遭一系列糾纏不清的命運交錯。每一個起因變化,都會導致不一樣的結局。 Have you wondered? Is it karma? Or just bad luck? A twisted south east Asian tale of 3 groups of individuals - a drug dealer who banged up a young girl, a pair of con men who wants to turn over a new leaf, and 4 cabin crews whose lives were turned upside down over a fateful night of drugs and booze. A series of twisted events that is both a study on cause and effect, and how our actions affect the people around us. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 黄百鸣 / 张曼玉 / 袁洁莹 / 陈加玲 / 徐克 / 曹查理 【简介】 生前是过气女歌星的女鬼徐半香(张曼玉),算准某名将要临盆的孕妇会于某间医院生产,准备投胎重新做人,不想,该孕妇被摇身变作某所高中教师的开心鬼(黄百鸣)送错医院,徐半香错过投胎时机。 为泄心头之恨,徐半香开始想方设法捉弄开心鬼,最甚一次,她附身开心鬼班里女班长(袁洁莹),令她跑到夜总会稀里糊涂地大闹了一场,结果在该家夜总会寻欢作乐的一群流氓被抓,开心鬼受到无辜牵连,徐半香又得意又担忧之时,开心鬼却用爱来感化她,眼看皆大欢喜,出狱后的流氓不请自来。 A young, unsuccessful singer, after committing suicide, is to be reincarnated, this time into a musical family. Her spirit must get to the hospital where her future mother is currently ready to give birth to her, so that she can enter the womb and be born. Unfortunately, she misses her appointed birth time, twice, due to the accidental intervention of a young man, Mr. Hong. At first she is angry and makes life hard for him, but eventually they fall in love, although she can't stay around long as she has one last chance to be born. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ?FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/