【主演】 尤金·西蒙 / 大衛·布拉德利 / 莫·鄧福德 / 比爾·米爾納 / 迪爾德麗·奧卡尼 / 夏洛特·維嘉 / Roisin Murphy / Emmet Kelly 【簡介】 一對相依為命的姐弟受到詛咒,被迫住在已身亡的雙親所遺留的豪宅中。一名年輕男子與姐姐墜入愛河,因此想盡辦法要破除詛咒,卻引發了一連串致命效應。 1920, rural Ireland. Anglo Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence (The Lodgers) which enforces three rules upon the twins: they must be in bed by midnight; they may not permit an outsider past the threshold; if one attempts to escape, the life of the other is placed in jeopardy. When troubled war veteran Sean returns to the nearby village, he is immediately drawn to the mysterious Rachel, who in turn begins to break the rules set out by The Lodgers. The consequences pull Rachel into a deadly confrontation with her brother - and with the curse that haunts them. In Ireland, in the 20's, the twins Rachel and Edward live in a dilapidated manor in the estate that belongs to their family. They believe the place is haunted and follow three rules of survival: they must be in bed by midnight; they may not allow a stranger to cross the threshold; and they must stay together. When they are eighteen, their tutor and lawyer Bermingham advises that they must sell the real estate since their trust fund is exhausted but Edward is reluctant to leave the property. When Rachel is flirted by the handicapped soldier Sean that returned from the war to his family house at the nearby village, she feels a great attraction and breaks the rules imposed by The Lodgers with tragic consequences. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 張學友/ 曾志偉/ 袁詠儀/ 黃宗澤/ 鄧麗欣/ 鍾嘉欣/ 王祖藍/ 梁天/ 劉美君/ 徐子珊/ 佘詩曼/ 林家棟/ 許志安/ 陳慧琳/ 張衛健/ 林峰/ 廖碧兒/ 鄭欣宜/ 黎耀祥/ 謝天華/ 陳百祥/ 薛家燕/ 側田/ 邵音音/劉以達/ 陳法拉 【簡介】 香港旺角的西洋菜街,商舖林立,遊人絡繹不絕。哈公(曾志偉 飾)和石堅(張學友 飾)的手機店隔街相望,兩家為搶生意各出奇招,互不相讓。其實二人多年前本為好友,當年二人智鬥包租婆的故事至今仍傳為佳話,結果最後卻為爭小桃紅(袁詠儀 飾)反目成仇。如今,已為哈嫂的小桃紅和哈公相親相愛,但在心底對曾經的好朋友石堅也仍關愛有加。兩家的兒女們私下也有所往來,並逐漸互生好感。大業主租金要翻三倍,商戶們為此傷透腦筋。頻頻有神秘人從高處扔硫酸水,生活在小街的人們陷入恐慌。為了維護生存的權益,為了還西洋菜街以安寧,商戶們決定團結一致,共同捍為自己的家園…… 本片由邵氏和TVB合作拍攝,因集結兩岸三地的100多位明星參演,所以有港版《建國大業》之稱。 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 任達華/邵雨薇/李杏/李康生/森竣/馮凱/莊凱勳/侯彥西/遊安順/陳慕義/何潔柔/周孝安/北村豐晴/柯叔元/王道/張瓊姿/沉孟生/郭鑫/杜詩梅 【簡介】 一間老公寓繼承人(任達華飾)在房間內安裝了針孔攝影機,並以低價出租房間。這房東不要用功上進的乖巧學生,不要勤橾乏味的上班族,不要勤儉質樸的和樂家庭,他只要「正常人」,擁有混亂潛質,能滿足他窺看慾望的正常人。 因此,離開婚姻有家暴前科的好色體育老師老張(莊凱勳飾),每天看小電影,打機,黏在網上的廢柴大學生伯彥(侯彥西飾),單親爸爸王先生飾)與小學四年級天真無邪的王小妹(何潔柔飾),秘密同居的同性戀人令狐(森竣飾)和隱瞞同志身份已婚的大學教授郭力(李康生飾),劈腿兼不倫的上班尤物陳小姐(李杏飾),以及異常神秘的純真少女穎如(邵雨薇飾),陸續搬進了房東預先佈滿針孔攝影機的詭異公寓。 六個房間,八個房客與一個房東,不為人知的秘密,難以克制的慾望在這棟公寓裡四處流竄,妄想控制一切的房東開始愚弄房客,企圖撩起人性最複雜的一面,導演一出交織黑色幽默,奇幻,推理又最貼近人性的精彩電影。 A sadisitic landlord manipulates the lives of his tenants through a network of surveillance cameras installed throughout the building.
【主演】 邢城 / 穆清吉 / 吳澤天 / 張冠群 / 陳炫羽 【簡介】 方太為求長生,通過人性黑暗面,誘人“入壁成仙”獲得生命力。與此同時,為了逃避男友的壓迫,昆莉搬到了方太的房子裡,本以為只是遇到單純的靈異事件沒想到,確是陷入一個巨大的陰謀當中,一面可以入壁成仙的牆,一種可以讓人容顏永駐的法術,住在這間老房子的每一個人都有不可告人的秘密,不瘋魔,不成活。