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孩子不壞 - We Not Naughty
02h 11m
孩子不壞 - We Not Naughty



【主演】 李創銳 / 陳曉東 / 夏如芝 / 洪賜健 / 盧楷浚 【簡介】 偉傑(李創銳飾)、阿寶(盧楷浚飾)和健仁(洪賜建飾)是三個成年人眼中的“壞小孩”,他們不用功讀書,腦袋裡整天想著各種各樣奇怪的鬼點子。由於常年受到忽視,叛逆的健仁誤入了歧途,債台高築的他無奈只能向高利貸公司尋求幫助。為了幫助健仁,擅長機械製造的偉傑發明了一種“討 債機”,有了討債機的幫助,健仁辦起事來如有神助。黑道大佬老馬(巫啟賢 飾)無意之中見識到了討債機的威利,心懷不軌的他千方百計的想要將討債機弄到手,將其運用到毒品走私的行當內。老師CK(陳曉東 飾)察覺了這一陰謀,善良正義的他決定助三個孩子一臂之力,帶領他們重回正軌。 A movie about growing up in Singapore, which focuses on the lives of two families where the oldest children gets involved with the local mafia. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


兄弟 - The Bros
01h 42m
兄弟 - The Bros



【主演】 马东锡 / 李东辉 / 李荷妮 / 赵宇镇 / 宋永彰 / 许成泰 / 池昌旭 【簡介】 影片讲述了时隔三年因父亲去世而回到故乡的兄弟,遇到穿越到人世的女子后发生的搞笑喜剧。影片中马冬锡饰演卖掉家谱的无用哥哥,李东辉饰演出卖家业的废物弟弟。 Two brothers, Lee Suk-Bong and Lee Joo-Bong, meet again for their father's funeral. But instead of reuniting the family, both of them deal with their individual problems. On the way to their hometown they hit a mysterious woman with a car. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/ 马东锡 / 李东辉 / 李荷妮 / 赵宇镇 / 宋永彰 / 许成泰 / 池昌旭


新天生一對 - New Perfect Two
01h 37m
新天生一對 - New Perfect Two



【主演】 周渝民 / 小小彬 / 陳嘉樺 / 楊冪 / 陳楚生 / 丁莎莎 【簡介】 阿B(周渝民 飾)是一個失意摩托車手。 6年前,他因為比賽失誤從此一蹶不振,連妻子方家蔚(楊冪 飾)也棄他而去。阿B拼命尋覓,毫無頭緒,張貼警告逃妻告示,也沒有結果。他意志消沉,借酒消愁,嗜賭成性,遭到荔父和女兒(徐若瑄 飾)指摘。幸有好友馬妞(陳嘉樺 飾)為他洗衣做飯。養父雷叔(陶澤如 飾)多次勸他付出,他卻心灰意懶。這時,妻子突然出現,還給阿B領來了一個6歲的兒子彬彬(小小彬 飾)。她說有事要辦,所以託付他照顧,但是並沒有告訴孩子阿B是他爸爸。面對昔日賭徒追討高利貸,昔日對手尊尼(陳楚生 飾)力邀他付出的誠意,他無動於衷。但是,與彬彬相依相伴的父子情,卻慢慢治癒了他的傷痛。然而,此時妻子卻突然要帶孩子移民美國,這讓阿B措手不及… Ah B (Vic Chou) was once a champion motorbike racer but lost everything in a fixed match. His wife Jiawei (Mini Yang) left him, and he has since abandoned himself to drinking and gambling to pass the days, turning a blind eye to his neighbor Ma Niu (Ella), who quietly admires him from afar. Six years later, Jiawei turns up unexpectedly one day and temporarily puts in his custody a little boy named Bin Bin (Xiao Xiao Bin) - the son he never knew of. This adorable kid manages to melt Ah B's cold hard heart, and the rookie daddy gradually finds the will to pull himself together and recover his wasted life. However, just as Ah B has developed a close, inseparable bond with Bin Bin, Jiawei comes back to take him away with her to the United States. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


明日的我与昨日的你约会 - Tomorrow I Will Date with Yesterday’s You
01h 50m
明日的我与昨日的你约会 - Tomorrow I Will Date with Yesterday’s You



【主演】 福士苍汰 / 小松菜奈 / 东出昌大 / 山田裕贵 / 清原果耶 / 大鹰明良 / 宫崎美子 【簡介】 美術大學學生南山高壽與福壽愛美電車相遇,他鼓起勇氣向女孩表白。在一起後,高壽慢慢發現兩人原是舊識,而女孩身上,也隱藏著諸多秘密。 Takatoshi Minamiyama majors in art at an university in Kyoto. On the train to the school, he sees Emi Fukuju and falls in love with her at first sight. Gathering up all his courage, he speaks to her. They begin to date and enjoy happy days together, but Emi reveals her secret to him. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


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