【主演】 程旭辉 / 杨雁雁 / 林德荣 / 梁名皜 / 李欣怡 / 爱雯 【簡介】 梁智強監製的賀歲片《幸福萬歲》找了曾導過《S11》的本地新人導演陳啟全當導演,陳啟全與張嘉仁聯導,陳啟全能否在梁監製的“指導”下,在賀歲期間順利登上300萬元票房的導演,備受矚目。 《幸福萬歲》劇本花了一年半創作,以英文書寫,劇組再譯成中文。陳啟全之前與張嘉仁聯導的《S11》上畫與下畫都匆匆,票房只有2229元。梁智強除了看上陳導演的豐富廣告經驗,也看到他具“商業”的前景,因為S11就是S+11=$。另外,《幸》成本200萬馬幣(約84萬新元),梁智強這幾年來的電影成本都不少過100萬新元,《幸》破了例,看來有以小博大的野心。 《幸》是部尋愛的浪漫喜劇,劇情小品溫馨,主要探討三代間關係,一對是結婚多年的40多歲夫婦,另兩對分別30多歲與青春年少。 陳木成(程旭輝飾),52歲,為人古板保守,是典型的中年華籍男子。由於妻子家麗(楊雁雁飾)忙於家務,夫妻間缺乏溝通,常常為了生活上的小事起爭執,令木成非常苦惱。一次機緣巧合令木成萌生了“越軌”的動機……怎麼知道,雪蓮不但不是男人的夢中情人,反而是男人的“噩夢”…。 Jeremy傑奇(林德榮飾),木成的“幹弟弟”,36歲,自命風流,就像是一隻沒有腳的小鳥,每天徘徊在不同的異性當中。一次他冒充木成,幫班尼出席“家長日”,邂逅了清麗脫俗的黃美詩老師(李欣怡飾),並開始追求行動。眼看就要追得美人歸的時候,卻惹禍上身! Benny陳班尼(梁名皜飾),17歲,是中學生,儼然就是一個情竇初開,對男女之間的愛情充滿了好奇和幻想的少年男孩。班尼被同學們當成了捉弄的對象,把他跟心儀女同學Jennifer(愛雯飾)跳艷舞的事登上了網上視頻成為男主角…。 故事通過陳木成、Jeremy傑奇和木成的兒子Benny陳班尼來代表三個年齡層的男性,從他們各自對男歡女愛的探索,挖掘出一些發人深省的正確觀念,也當然引出一連串的笑話。只要是生活在東方這個即保守又壓抑的社會的觀眾就一定能夠了解、體會並認同當中的笑和淚! A movie that revolves around three main protagonists - 52 year old Tan Bo Seng, 17 year old Benny his teenage son and 36 year old Jeremy, Bo Seng's 'adopted' brother - and their accidental journey in seeking and keeping love and happiness. Bo Seng leads a routine life. Attempts to revive the passion with his wife Jia Li cannot improve their stale love life. Jeremy lives a colourful life, colourful in reference to his long list of girlfriends. "Never to commit" is his motto for love. Benny has just school life, his only vice is anything to do with the computer, his only distraction is his crush, Jennifer, his classmate's girl. Bo Seng & Jia Li the old fashion couple has more misses than hits in the love department and a series of madness spin off one night ... Jeremy meets Benny's teacher, Ms Wong - a lady, unlike the wild things he has had. His charm wins him her heart, but his Casanova means refuse to take a back seat, a new lady friend threatens to change his life ... Benny starts to see hope in relationships, when Jennifer notices him and invites him over to her place. Over the visit, Jennifer's friendly attention, takes a turn into something that Benny wish he has not been... "Love Matters" is a humorous and entertaining look at love, happiness and issues concerning our straight laced society. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/