【主演】 梁朝伟 / 林青霞 / 张国荣 / 叶玉卿 / 张学友 / 王祖贤 / 张曼玉 / 梁家辉 / 刘嘉玲 / 钟镇涛 / 鲍起静 【簡介】 金輪國王妃(葉玉卿)與表哥歐陽鋒(梁朝偉)有染,為霸占江山,他們毒死了國王,但沒找到傳國玉璽。得知玉璽在前往九宮山找尋其師父求助的三公主(林青霞)手里後,歐陽鋒企圖搶到手但沒成功。糊塗國師(張曼玉)在淫威下屈服,查出三公主的具體下落,歐陽鋒乘火箭金靴追趕,卻誤脫落一隻插死剛出關的王重陽(鐘鎮濤),奄奄一息的王重陽懇求適逢路過的三公主找到其師弟周伯通(劉嘉玲)代為報仇。 逃到九宮山的三公主邀得師弟黃藥師(張國榮)與師妹(王祖賢)相助,再加上前來尋找表妹的洪七(張學友)、找到真心人才能成仙的段智興(梁家輝),一場與歐陽鋒的生死惡戰蓄勢待發… A parody of Louis Cha's novel The Eagle Shooting Heroes (thats the literal translation). Story begins with the Queen of Golden Wheel Kingdom had an affair with her cousin West Poison, and they planned to take over the Kingdom. The 3rd Princess discovered their treason, but she was defeated by West Poison. She flees and sought her master's help. He told her of a powerful secret martial arts manual hidden in the mountains and told her by retrieving the manual and learning it she would be able to defeat West Poison. But things get complicated along the way when West Poison beat her to it and stole the secret manual away. She soon gathers an alliance to challenge West Poison's exponentially increased new power. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 梁朝伟 / 林青霞 / 张国荣 / 叶玉卿 / 张学友 / 王祖贤 / 张曼玉 / 梁家辉 / 刘嘉玲 / 钟镇涛 / 鲍起静 【简介】 金轮国王妃(叶玉卿)与表哥欧阳锋(梁朝伟)有染,为霸占江山,他们毒死了国王,但没找到传国玉玺。得知玉玺在前往九宫山找寻其师父求助的三公主(林青霞)手里后,欧阳锋企图抢到手但没成功。糊涂国师(张曼玉)在淫威下屈服,查出三公主的具体下落,欧阳锋乘火箭金靴追赶,却误脱落一只插死刚出关的王重阳(钟镇涛),奄奄一息的王重阳恳求适逢路过的三公主找到其师弟周伯通(刘嘉玲)代为报仇。 逃到九宫山的三公主邀得师弟黄药师(张国荣)与师妹(王祖贤)相助,再加上前来寻找表妹的洪七(张学友)、找到真心人才能成仙的段智兴(梁家辉),一场与欧阳锋的生死恶战蓄势待发…… A parody of Louis Cha's novel The Eagle Shooting Heroes (thats the literal translation). Story begins with the Queen of Golden Wheel Kingdom had an affair with her cousin West Poison, and they planned to take over the Kingdom. The 3rd Princess discovered their treason, but she was defeated by West Poison. She flees and sought her master's help. He told her of a powerful secret martial arts manual hidden in the mountains and told her by retrieving the manual and learning it she would be able to defeat West Poison. But things get complicated along the way when West Poison beat her to it and stole the secret manual away. She soon gathers an alliance to challenge West Poison's exponentially increased new power. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ?FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/