【主演】 豬哥亮 / 郭採潔 / 楊祐寧 / 苗可麗 / 康晉榮 / 素珠 / 林美秀 / 王彩樺 / 陳博正 / 陳慕義 / 戎祥 / 馬念先 / 應蔚民 / 趙舜 / 黃立成 / 邱逸峰 / 湯尼陳 【簡介】 故事發生在八十年代的台灣,朱大德(豬哥亮飾)本是一介平凡的攝影師,和女兒朱小芹(郭採潔飾)過著相依為命的平靜生活,之後,父女兩人來到了大城市尋求發展,想要過上更好的生活。結果,在誤打誤撞之下,朱大德竟然成為了黑社會老大,他和朱小芹之間的關係亦因此而產生了裂痕。 某日,朱大德遇見了名為老賀(豬哥亮 飾)的算命先生,兩人的樣貌竟然驚人的相似,而老賀卻也因此被人誤認為是朱大德而丟了性命。老賀死後,留下了兒子賀翔(楊祐寧 飾)孤苦伶仃,於是,朱大德找到了賀翔,兩人組成了“DL特工隊”,和同父親冰釋前嫌的朱小芹一起,決心為老賀報仇。 While working for a gang boss, Zhu Da De unwittingly becomes the man in charge after accidentally setting off a major shootout that took out the rest of the gang. Renaming himself David Loman, Zhu Da De would stand at the top for over a decade. The price of Loman's fame and power is losing his daughter, who has become resentful towards him. When a fortune teller tells Loman to lie low for awhile or he will get killed, he decides to find a fengshui master who resembles him to to be his stand-in for a few days. After the decoy is assassinated, the real Loman decides to team up with the dead man's son to seek revenge and get rid of his enemies once and for all. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/