【主演】 水田山葵 / 大原惠美 / 嘉數由美 / 木村昴 / 關智一 / 藤本千秋 / 釘宮理惠 / 金井美香 / 三石琴乃 【簡介】 為了躲避夏日的酷暑,哆啦A夢(水天葵配音)帶著大雄(大原惠美配音)、靜香(嘉藪由美配音)、胖虎(木村昴配音)和小夫(關智一配音)來到了漂浮在南太平洋中的一座冰山上。他們利用道具“冰雕工藝組”打造了驚險刺激而又妙趣橫生的遊樂園,小伙伴們樂而忘返。可就在此時,樂園突然垮塌,大雄則偶然從冰層中撿到了一枚金環。根據調查發現,金環居然是十萬年前的產物。為了尋找它的主人,哆啦A夢一行穿越時空。在古老的南極,他們見到了一座神秘都市,並發現了奇怪的生物。 而他們此次的冒險,將與自身以及地球的命運息息相關… Unable to endure the midsummer heat, Doraemon transports Nobita and his friends to a huge iceberg floating in the South Pacific. While creating an amusement parks with the secret tool "Ice-working Iron" the group finds a mysterious golden ring in the ice. Upon closer examination, they determine that the ring was buried in Antarctica 100,000 years ago - before people could have lived there. Doraemon and friends head to Antarctica looking for the owner of the ring and come across the ruins of a huge city buried in the ice. Using Doraemon's Time Belt, the group travels back 100,000 years ago and meets the young girl Kara who is connected to the mysterious ring. But now the group must fight for survival as Doraemon faces the crisis of the entire Earth freezing. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/