【主演】 黃鴻昇 / 王陽明 / 蔡振南 / 高捷 / 孫鵬 / 顏正國 / 許孟哲 / 楊奇煜 / 倪子鈞 / 莫允雯 / 陳孝萱 / 陳淑芳 / 張立東 / 夏靖庭 / 賀一航 / 王彩樺 / 鍾欣凌 / 高盟傑 【簡介】 勇桑(蔡振南 飾)是建國市場的老大,英明神武德高望重的他深受手下小弟的敬重和愛戴,市場里大大小小的事務均由勇桑主持。清楓(孫鵬 飾)是勇桑最信賴的手下,雖然並未挑明,但大家都知道,清楓將在勇桑金盆洗手之後接替他的位置。 因為殺人罪入獄三年的阿雄(黃鴻昇 飾)出獄後回到了勇桑的身邊,實際上他並未犯罪,而是替清楓頂罪。勇桑十分看重阿雄的能力,甚至決定將建國市場交給他管理,可是阿雄已心生退意,他不願再重蹈覆轍,只想做一個乾乾淨淨的人,過寧靜平安的生活。麥可(王陽明 飾)從國外深造歸來,一心想要改變市場裡奉行了多年的角頭制度,他將第一個改革的目標放在了勇桑的身上。 Xiong a Taiwan gangster gets released from prison when a rival gang lead by a ruthless man looks to expand their turf for a business deal.
【主演】 豬哥亮 / 林心如 / 李東學 / 寇世勳 / 林美秀 / 王彩樺 / 素珠 / 林美照 / 夏禕 / 陳慕義 / 黃西田 / 九孔 / 謝炘昊 / 陳秉立 / 林俊傑 / 任賢齊 / 華少 / 藍正龍 【簡介】 32歲的林淑芬(林心如飾)終於要結婚了,不料,淑芬的老爸李金爽(豬哥亮飾)看這憨女婿高飛(李東學飾)是越看越不爽,不捨女兒外嫁大陸,規矩定得比台灣101大樓還要高!聘金的數字、迎娶的人數、流水席的禮數、婚禮的禁忌,要說到完口水都乾了。 還好大囍媒婆錢頌伊(林美秀 飾)有專家級手腕、人見人愛;眼看新娘就要娶進門,卻突然哭跑了… Centers on the wedding of a cross-straits couple and the fallout that comes as both families try to come to terms with differences in culture. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 舒淇 / 王千源 / 张孝全 / 曾志伟 / 杨祐宁 【簡介】 《健忘村》的故事发生在一片世外桃源般的村落里,传说此地风水有帝王之相,石员外(曾志伟 饰)觊觎村中龙脉,企图与土匪联合屠村。有一天,一声惨叫打破了裕旺村的宁静,村民朱大饼意外中毒身亡,大饼的妻子秋蓉(舒淇 饰)成为了最大嫌疑人,这时“天虹真人”田贵(王千源 饰)手持神秘宝器“忘忧”路过村子。据说“忘忧”可以洗去人的记忆,控制人格。从此裕旺村变成了健忘村。荒诞爆笑,阴谋不断,其乐融融的世外桃源背后隐藏着一场血雨腥风。 It is an unusual day for the remote and isolated Desire Village. A mysterious Taoist priest brings a magical equipment that can erase one's memory. Since then, all the villagers have forgotten their past, living "happily ever after", while the dangerous plot behind their back is just about to be unveiled. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 董子健 / 顏卓靈 / 林柏宏 / 歐陽妮妮 / 宋伊人 / 戴立忍 / 張榕容 【簡介】 電影《六弄咖啡館》改編自藤井樹(吳子云)的同名暢銷小說,同時導演和編劇也是由原著作者出任,劉傑擔任影片監製。主要講述男主小綠(董子健飾)和女主心蕊(顏卓靈飾)之間一場真摯卻無奈的青春愛情故事,對於親情和友情的探究,以及距離對愛情的考驗,同時關注年輕人對待成長和人生的態度與狀態。 After her car breaks down on a rainy night, Miss Liang enters a nearby coffee shop called Cafe 6. The owner of the shop finds out that Miss Liang has just gotten into a fight with her boyfriend who is currently overseas, so to kill time, he shares a story of his time back in 1996. During that year, Guan Min-lu and his good friend Xiao Bo-zhi always hang out together. Min-lu is secretly in love with Li Xin-rui while Bo-zhi is attracted to Xin-rui's best friend, Cai Xin-yi. The four young teenagers share a good relationship with each other and spend their days happily every day. But as their graduation day draws near, they wonder if they can still stay committed with each other after going their separate ways. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 庹宗华 / 赵骏亚 / 廖亦崟 / 黄姵嘉 / 李兴文 【簡介】 台灣軍教片《報告 班長7》宣布開鏡,導演梅長錕、演員 庹宗華、趙駿亞、威廉、黃姵嘉、李 興文出席開鏡記者會。過去在《報告 班長》系列電影中擔任“軍隊班長”的 庹宗華也將“班長”角色交接給演員趙 駿亞,象征軍教片的世代交替。 From 1988 to 2000, Taiwan released six Yes, Sir. films about the experiences of army recruits. The classic movie series returns in 2016 with its seventh installment and a new batch of greenhorns to whip into shape, including Lollipop F's William Liao as a free-spirited rookie who thinks army service is a waste of time and Peijia Huang (Ni zhuan sheng (2014)) as a hard-headed female soldier determined to prove herself. Chunya Chao, who shot to fame through the army-themed TV series Rookies' Diary, plays a team captain again, while series stalwart Tsung-Hua To returns as an army commander. Set in 2009, Yes, Sir. 7 references the Typhoon Morakot disaster when thousands of soldiers were deployed in relief operations. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 賴雅妍 / 黃遠 / 程予希 / 王大陸 / 周杰倫 【簡介】 影片講述了弟弟小崇(黃遠飾)為挑戰哥哥阿軒(王大陸飾)而踏上跑步之路,中途機緣巧合認識田徑部高冷學姐以晴,小崇以晴找到新的奔跑目標,在親情和愛情的雙重激勵下勇敢追逐夢想的熱血故事。 Kevin, a young, fearless runner from a rough neighborhood in Taiwan, falls in love with his tough coach Ellie. When Ellie becomes sick and distant, Kevin fights to survive and conquer the famous 10,000 Miles Silk Road Ultra-marathon in order to win her heart. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/