【主演】 梁朝伟 / 林青霞 / 张国荣 / 叶玉卿 / 张学友 / 王祖贤 / 张曼玉 / 梁家辉 / 刘嘉玲 / 钟镇涛 / 鲍起静 【簡介】 金輪國王妃(葉玉卿)與表哥歐陽鋒(梁朝偉)有染,為霸占江山,他們毒死了國王,但沒找到傳國玉璽。得知玉璽在前往九宮山找尋其師父求助的三公主(林青霞)手里後,歐陽鋒企圖搶到手但沒成功。糊塗國師(張曼玉)在淫威下屈服,查出三公主的具體下落,歐陽鋒乘火箭金靴追趕,卻誤脫落一隻插死剛出關的王重陽(鐘鎮濤),奄奄一息的王重陽懇求適逢路過的三公主找到其師弟周伯通(劉嘉玲)代為報仇。 逃到九宮山的三公主邀得師弟黃藥師(張國榮)與師妹(王祖賢)相助,再加上前來尋找表妹的洪七(張學友)、找到真心人才能成仙的段智興(梁家輝),一場與歐陽鋒的生死惡戰蓄勢待發… A parody of Louis Cha's novel The Eagle Shooting Heroes (thats the literal translation). Story begins with the Queen of Golden Wheel Kingdom had an affair with her cousin West Poison, and they planned to take over the Kingdom. The 3rd Princess discovered their treason, but she was defeated by West Poison. She flees and sought her master's help. He told her of a powerful secret martial arts manual hidden in the mountains and told her by retrieving the manual and learning it she would be able to defeat West Poison. But things get complicated along the way when West Poison beat her to it and stole the secret manual away. She soon gathers an alliance to challenge West Poison's exponentially increased new power. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 李连杰 / 萧芳芳 / 陈松勇 / 李嘉欣 / 胡慧中 / 赵文卓 / 朱江 / 郑少秋 / 郭涛 【简介】 方世玉(李连杰 饰)原是城中纨绔子弟,好打抱不平。一日,他闻说外省富豪雷老虎在次设下擂台,比武招亲,又听讲雷小姐貌美如花,遂前往比武招亲。当方世玉过赢准备打赢未来岳母李小环时,一阵风吹过,将台上坐着的小姐的盖头吹了起来,他发现竟是一名丑女时,马上故意认输,溜之大吉。 方世玉的母亲苗翠花(萧芳芳 饰)听说儿子擂台上败下阵,自觉颜面无光,于是化身方世玉的哥哥方大玉前往打擂,一举打败了李小环。岂料雷老虎当晚即派人来接方大玉成亲。世玉为救母亲,只有代替母亲前往雷家成亲。 母子两计划新婚之后趁回门的时候一起出逃,岂料方世玉的父亲方德回来了! This Hong Kong martial-arts extravaganza tells of evil emperors and true love. The secret Red Lotus Flower Society is committed to the overthrow of the evil Manchu Emperor and his minions. One of his Governors is sent on a mission to retrieve a list of members of that secret society. Meanwhile, Canton kung fu practitioner Fong Sai-Yuk falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a rich merchant, recently moved to Canton. Her father, in an attempt to gain influence in the region and thus improve his business, offers his daughter in marriage to the winner of a kung-fu contest. Some interesting gender role-reversals take place during a 'comedy of errors.' 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ?FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 成龍/ 約翰·庫薩克/ 艾德里安·布洛迪/ 崔始源/ 林鵬/ 王若心/ 肖央/ 王太利/ 洪天照/ 劉承俊/ 蘿莉·佩斯特/ 馮紹峰/ 吳建豪/ 林嘉欣/ 沙妮·文森/西蒙子 【簡介】 故事發生在遙遠的西漢時代,漢元帝當政期間,大漢的疆土早已在其曾祖父漢武帝的連年征伐之下拓展到西域縱深處。此時坐鎮西域的大都護霍安(成龍飾)並不以天朝上國的身份自居,他以友善平等的方式與西域各國交往,平等相待,更以獨特的方式化解各民族之間的矛盾,取得了單靠武力所無法達到的和平盛景。誰知霍安遭人陷害,被刺配雁門關修城。恰在此時,他遭遇了從遙遠的羅馬帝國逃命至此的小王子及其護衛盧魁斯(約翰•庫薩克John Cusak 飾),最初的誤解過後,霍安與盧魁斯兩位英雄化敵為友。 但是危機之而來,企圖奪得王位的羅馬帝國大王子提比斯(阿德里安•布勞迪 Adrien Brody 飾)率領十萬大軍壓境,東西方兩大帝國即將發生前所未有的碰撞… When corrupt Roman leader Tiberius arrives with a giant army to claim the Silk Road, Huo An teams up his army with an elite Legion of defected Roman soldiers led by General Lucius to protect his country and his new friends. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 劉青雲/ 古天樂/ 彭于晏/ 吳京/ 袁泉/ 江疏影/ 廖啟智/ 釋彥能/ 姜皓文/ 吳廷燁/ 洪天照/ 孫蛟龍/ 李菁/ 馬志威/ 羅浩銘/ 張竣傑/ 週天寶/ 王宇/ 張浩/ 王礴/ 尼利特龍/ 劉嘉藝/ 謝寧/ 蕭松原/ 洪金寶 【簡介】 時值國家內戰、軍閥割據的亂世時代,軍閥少帥曹少璘(古天樂 飾)因殺害三條人命,被普城保衛團團長楊克難(劉青雲 飾) 繩之於法。可曹家財雄勢大,以強權震懾居民,曹家上校張亦(吳京飾)得悉事件後,趕來普城取人,在城中遇上多年不見師弟馬鋒(彭于晏飾),馬鋒是位武功高強的浪人,路見不平欲拔刀相助,可是卻面臨正義與兄弟情之抉擇。 During the warlords era in China, a village located in rural area called Pucheng fell into dangerous situation when its government allocated all its military force to the front line, the cruel commandant Cao from the enemy troops arrived the village and killed the innocent, the guardians of Pucheng were desperate to fight against Cao for justice and to protect their homeland. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 舒淇 / 王千源 / 张孝全 / 曾志伟 / 杨祐宁 【簡介】 《健忘村》的故事发生在一片世外桃源般的村落里,传说此地风水有帝王之相,石员外(曾志伟 饰)觊觎村中龙脉,企图与土匪联合屠村。有一天,一声惨叫打破了裕旺村的宁静,村民朱大饼意外中毒身亡,大饼的妻子秋蓉(舒淇 饰)成为了最大嫌疑人,这时“天虹真人”田贵(王千源 饰)手持神秘宝器“忘忧”路过村子。据说“忘忧”可以洗去人的记忆,控制人格。从此裕旺村变成了健忘村。荒诞爆笑,阴谋不断,其乐融融的世外桃源背后隐藏着一场血雨腥风。 It is an unusual day for the remote and isolated Desire Village. A mysterious Taoist priest brings a magical equipment that can erase one's memory. Since then, all the villagers have forgotten their past, living "happily ever after", while the dangerous plot behind their back is just about to be unveiled. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/
【主演】 許冠傑 / 葉童 / 張學友 / 張敏 / 袁潔瑩 / 劉兆銘 / 元華 / 劉洵 / 林正英 / 午馬 【簡介】 大内库藏武功秘笈《葵花宝典》失窃。东厂主管太监古今福(刘洵 饰)率千户欧阳全(张学友 饰)等,南下调查辞官锦衣卫林镇南,同时收用“五岳盟主”左冷禅(元华 饰)外围策应。华山派大弟子令狐冲(许冠杰 饰)与师妹岳灵珊(叶童 饰)奉师命增援林镇南,无奈两人实力不济,领得林镇南遗嘱后遁走,二人于路先后巧遇顺风堂堂主刘正风(午马 饰)、日月神教长老曲洋(林正英 饰)、华山派风清扬,获传《笑傲江湖》曲谱和独孤九剑。 各路人马为《葵花宝典》纷纷聚于苗人地界,欧阳全与左冷禅争功不下,遂假扮林平之混入华山派一行。令狐冲结识日月神教任盈盈(张敏 饰)与蓝凤凰(袁洁莹 饰),因曲洋之关系得其协助。古今福与岳不群为《葵花宝典》大打出手,令狐冲不忍一班师兄弟受牵连愤而使出独孤九剑,始明了“笑傲江湖”真意。 When a scroll containing valuable martial arts secrets is stolen from the Emperor, an army detachment is sent to recover it. Blademaster, a young martial arts expert, accidentally ends up ... 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/