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小蘿莉的猴神大叔 - Bajrangi Bhaijaan
02h 39m
小蘿莉的猴神大叔 - Bajrangi Bhaijaan



【主演】 薩爾曼·汗/ 哈莎莉·馬洛特拉/ 卡琳娜·卡普爾/ 納瓦祖丁·席迪圭/ 歐姆·普瑞/ 梅·維賈/ 席爾帕.舒克拉/ 拉什·沙瑪/ 沙拉蒂·瑟斯納/ 阿圖·斯里瓦斯塔瓦/ 阿德南·薩米/ 馬諾·巴克什 【簡介】 電影講述了一個擁有虔誠宗教信仰的單純印度男人幫助巴基斯坦啞女與父母重聚的故事。印度教教徒帕万(薩爾曼·汗 飾)在一次機緣巧合下結識了與母親走失並有語言障礙的穆斯林小女孩沙希達(哈爾莎莉·馬爾霍特 飾)。在得知沙希達是巴基斯坦人後,帕万決定幫助她回家,可在回巴基斯坦途中卻四處碰壁,遭遇領事館衝突、被旅遊局欺騙之後,帕万立志將不惜一切代價盡其所能帶沙希達回到自己的家鄉與家人團聚。 An Indian man with a magnanimous heart takes a young mute Pakistani girl back to her homeland to reunite her with her family.


那就是我的世界 - Keys to the Heart
02h 00m
那就是我的世界 - Keys to the Heart



【主演】 李秉憲 / 朴正民 / 尹汝貞 / 韓智敏 / 金成鈴 / 崔莉 / 黃錫晶 / 文淑 / 白書怡 / 李周英 / 張海恩 / 朴智勳 / 柳正浩 / 孫德基 / 金炳春 / 洪錫然 / 樸晌勳 / 車明旭 / 金瑞元 【簡介】 講述已經風采不再的拳擊選手出身的哥哥和有著肢體障礙的天才鋼琴家弟弟之間的故事,李秉憲飾演哥哥,朴正民飾演弟弟,尹汝貞飾演媽媽一角,韓志旼將幫助朴正民的角色。 A washed-up boxer, Jo-ha, has lived his life relying on nothing but his physical strength. His champion glory lasted only a moment, and now pride is all Jo-ha has. He runs into his mom who left him when he was little, and comes to live with her and Jin-tae, the younger brother who always seems awkward except for when he plays the piano. The autistic savant, Jin-tae, shows brilliance in playing the piano and video games, and cooking ramen . He is at first scared at his older brother, who insists on swinging his fists at people for what he wants. Reunited with each other, the two brothers learn what it is to be a family. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


兄弟 - The Bros
01h 42m
兄弟 - The Bros



【主演】 马东锡 / 李东辉 / 李荷妮 / 赵宇镇 / 宋永彰 / 许成泰 / 池昌旭 【簡介】 影片讲述了时隔三年因父亲去世而回到故乡的兄弟,遇到穿越到人世的女子后发生的搞笑喜剧。影片中马冬锡饰演卖掉家谱的无用哥哥,李东辉饰演出卖家业的废物弟弟。 Two brothers, Lee Suk-Bong and Lee Joo-Bong, meet again for their father's funeral. But instead of reuniting the family, both of them deal with their individual problems. On the way to their hometown they hit a mysterious woman with a car. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/ 马东锡 / 李东辉 / 李荷妮 / 赵宇镇 / 宋永彰 / 许成泰 / 池昌旭


刑警兄弟 - Buddy Cops
01h 41m
刑警兄弟 - Buddy Cops



【主演】 黃宗澤 / 金剛 / 曾志偉 / 徐子珊 / 方皓玟 / 陳小春 / 林家棟 / 馮淬帆 / 金燕玲 / 余安安 / 謝天華 / 陳煒 【簡介】 陳飛和尊尼都是來自單親家庭的年青警員,處事也都不成熟,加上性格迥然不同,相處中產生許多矛盾。偏偏陳飛的父親和尊尼的母親相戀,使兩人關係更形緊張,鬧出許多笑話。後來,兩人通過偵查罪案增進了解、冰釋前嫌。 After the hot-tempered police detective Fei messes up yet another operation, he is transferred to a fictional department that houses all the useless staff the force couldn't sack. There he finds a new enemy in the mild-mannered desk officer Johnny, who loathes Fei's disregard for discipline. But when Fei's father and Johnny's mother coincidentally become an item, the new brothers must somehow learn to cohabit under the same roof and also work together to rescue Bessie from Mr. Hung. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


哥哥 - My Annoying Brother
01h 50m
哥哥 - My Annoying Brother



【主演】 都暻秀 / 曹政奭 / 朴信惠 【簡介】 《哥哥》電影講述了已經分離15年的兩兄弟在不得已共同生活後所發生的故事。曹政奭在片中飾演沒有廉恥之心的哥哥鬥植,因詐騙罪服役中的他以國家級柔道選手弟弟為藉口獲得了假釋,而都暻秀則飾演本來是成績優異的柔道選手,卻在國家代表選拔賽前因事故導致人生產生了翻天覆地變化的弟弟。樸信惠將飾演對都暻秀像親姐姐一樣珍惜給予疼愛,與突然出現的曺政奭爭吵不休的角色 。 Doo-Sik (Jo Jung-suk) gets paroled from prison thanks to his younger brother (Do Kyung-Soo) Doo-Young. Doo-Young is a promising judo athlete. After 15 years, Doo-Sik (Jo Jung-suk) suddenly appears in front of Doo-Young and they begin to live together. Doo-Young becomes involved in an accident before the selection for the national team. 【FOLLOW ME ON】 ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/movieking.video/


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